Chapter 13: Five Elements Return to the True Technique


Lin Suiwan's hand was held in mid-air by Jiang Yuebai, and she glared angrily, unable to break free.

"Let go of me!"

Jiang Yuebai released her hand and stepped back, holding a book in her hand.

"As the first rule of the Library, anyone who damages books will receive ten lashes with a whip. Although I'm just a Menial Tasks disciple, with so many people watching, Senior Lin... Sister Lin wouldn't want others to say you're ruthless and cruel, right?"

Lin Suiwan gritted her teeth, glancing at the onlookers around her. She was just a seven-year-old child. She was easily intimidated by Jiang Yuebai.

However, she was angry because Jiang Yuebai had slapped her during the Qi Refining ceremony, making her the subject of ridicule for some time.

This incident had become a stain on her life. Whenever she had conflicts with others, they would mock her, saying, "You're so powerful, but you couldn't even surpass someone with only Five Elements Roots. You dare to snatch others' opportunities?"

Thinking of this, Lin Suiwan wished she could tear Jiang Yuebai apart.

She clenched her teeth and lowered her voice, "Jiang Yue'er, don't think that you'll be safe in the Tianyan Sect. You used to be a servant girl, and now you're just a Menial Tasks disciple, nothing more than a commoner! I can easily kill you. Don't forget that my ancestor is an Alchemy Elder and a Golden Core cultivator!"

Jiang Yuebai remained expressionless, her eyes growing colder. "Does being an Alchemy Elder give you the right to kill people for no reason?"

"You're just a Menial Tasks disciple with Five Element Spirit Roots. In the Tianyan Sect, there are thousands like you. If one or two die, who would care? If you're afraid, just hide in Hua Xi Valley and spend your life farming. I won't even notice you, and I might even forget about you."

Lin Suiwan approached, "If you dare to wander outside and annoy me, I'll immediately seek my ancestor's help and demand your life!"

Jiang Yuebai's heart shivered, and her right hand instinctively reached for the wooden knife at her waist.


Hearing Tao Fengnian's cough, Jiang Yuebai stiffened, staring at Lin Suiwan for a moment before breaking into a smile.

"Yes, yes, I'm just a Menial Tasks disciple with Five Element Spirit Roots. I wouldn't dare to compete with Miss Lin, who shines like the sun and moon. Your esteemed ancestor is truly majestic and formidable. I'm terrified. Please forgive me, I'll leave immediately and won't trouble Miss again."

Jiang Yuebai placed the book back on the shelf and memorized its location before stepping back.

Lin Suiwan stood there, completely stunned. She hadn't expected Jiang Yuebai to react this way. She had prepared her next words, but now they seemed unnecessary.

Turning around, Jiang Yuebai disappeared from sight, leaving Lin Suiwan stomping her feet in frustration and seething with anger.

The sun was setting, and dusk was approaching.

"Slow down, young lady. Grandpa can't keep up with you."

Tao Fengnian chased after Jiang Yuebai. The young girl's pace was getting faster, and she even used the Chasing Star Steps. Tao Fengnian shook his head helplessly, using his technique to catch up and block Jiang Yuebai's path.

"Is Grandpa angry?"

Jiang Yuebai pouted and wrinkled her eyebrows. "No, I'm angry at myself for not having a Golden Core ancestor."

Tao Fengnian sighed. "I know you've suffered a great deal. You handled yourself well just now. Be patient and endure. Don't act recklessly unless you can eliminate the enemy entirely. Once you make a move, you must eliminate all future troubles."

Tears welled up in Jiang Yuebai's eyes. "I know, but what should I do now? I can't just stay in Hua Xi Valley forever. I want to go to the Library to read and attend the Law Hall for lectures, Grandpa."

"Then go."

Jiang Yuebai's crying abruptly stopped.

Tao Fengnian said, "I just asked Hu Laoba, and Lin Xiangtian has entered seclusion. Unless there's a major event, he won't come out for two to three years."

"How do you know?"

"Do you know how I became enemies with Lin Xiangtian? It was actually my negligence. Back then, Lin Xiangtian was about to form a Golden Core and needed a batch of Icy Heart Protection Pills. However, during my first Foundation Establishment, I was distracted and gave him the wrong medicinal herbs."

"Icy Heart Grass and Frosty Blue Grass are difficult to distinguish; one has a warm nature, and the other is cold. Even if you mix them up, the pill can still be formed. Lin Xiangtian didn't notice, and when he formed his Golden Core, something went wrong, leaving hidden troubles. He needs to go into seclusion several times to dispel the cold qi in his Golden Core."

Jiang Yuebai suddenly realized. So, that's why Grandpa endured Jia Wei's bullying without saying a word; it was because he felt responsible for his mistake.

And Lin Suiwan, who was arrogant and ruthless, only let her hide in Hua Xi Valley and didn't come out to confront her directly. It was because Lin Xiangtian wasn't present, and she had no backing.

"If I wasn't a Spirit Cultivator and didn't have the sect's protection, plus the fact that the cold poison only consumes some of his time and energy but doesn't threaten his life, how could Lin Xiangtian spare me? So, little girl, you must strive to become a Spirit Cultivator early on. That will be a talisman to protect your life."

"Lin Xiangtian is narrow-minded and not influential in the Tianyan Sect. Lin Suiwan has no one to rely on except Lin Xiangtian. During this time, as long as you avoid her sharpness, you can do whatever you want."

Tao Fengnian had already investigated Jiang Yuebai's situation. He had offended Lin Xiangtian, and the conflicts between the young girl and Lin Suiwan were just coincidences.

Jiang Yuebai bit her lip. "Then can I... beat her up first?"

Tao Fengnian's mouth twitched, and he touched his brow. "Do it cleanly and don't leave any handle for her."


Jiang Yuebai wiped away her tears with her sleeve, her sobbing turning into laughter.

"Aren't you disappointed in Grandpa?" Tao Fengnian smiled and asked.

Jiang Yuebai shook her head. "Those were just angry words. Grandpa is the best Grandpa in the whole world!"

Tao Fengnian tapped her forehead and said, "You, take these. They are your cultivation techniques."

Two jade slips fell into Jiang Yuebai's hands—one pristine and new, and the other old and yellowed. She picked up the two jade slips and pressed them against her forehead.

The new one was the "Five Elements Rotational Method."

The old one was... the "Five Elements Return to the True Technique"!

"The 'Five Elements Return to the True Technique' is not an internal cultivation technique of the Tianyan Sect. I obtained it by accident in the mortal world. I used this technique to cultivate and later passed the assessment to enter the Tianyan Sect. This technique is divided into five parts, each of which is a Level Eight technique and can be cultivated individually."

"But after years of research, I found that this technique is best suited for those with all five elements spiritual roots. When cultivated to the highest level, it can reach Level Seven technique's power. Level Seven techniques can only be accessed by Inner Sect Qi Refining disciples, and once a technique reaches Level Seven, besides improving cultivation efficiency, it also has its own special qualities."

"Returning Turtle, this technique has the effect of nourishing health and enhancing physical defense. Unfortunately, I only acquired the Qi Refining part and not the Foundation Establishment part. Even so, this technique is not inferior to ordinary Level Seven techniques. I exchanged this technique for you so that you can better understand the interplay of the five elements and practice this technique."

Tao Fengnian lacked the Earth element, and as a Four Elements Root cultivator, he had never truly grasped the essence of this technique. At this moment, he hoped that Jiang Yuebai could genuinely cultivate this technique.

Moreover, he discovered in the general outline that this technique is not limited to Level Seven; beyond that, it has the effect of prolonging life.

Without the limitation of lifespan, Five Elements Root cultivators truly possessed extraordinary qualifications.

Jiang Yuebai clenched the two jade slips tightly and couldn't help asking, "Grandpa, we have no blood relation, so why are you always so good to me?"

Tao Fengnian smiled gently. "Grandpa's kindness towards you naturally has a purpose. It's too heavy to talk about now. You should focus on your cultivation without distractions. When the time is right, Grandpa will naturally tell you."


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