Chapter 15: Li Jiuchuan

 Lin Suiwan came out of the outer disciple's courtyard early in the morning and walked alone through the woods, sitting by the creek and throwing stones.

In the past, in the Lin family, she was adored and pampered, but now at Tianyan Sect, she was looked down upon by everyone.

"What 'Elder'? They can't even arrange for me to be close to them, hmph!"

Lin Suiwan fiercely hurled the stones into the creek. Tianyan Sect had strict rules, even for the disciples of the Lu family. Although Lu Nanzhi was a natural spirit body, she still had to start from the entry assessment and work her way up step by step.

No one received special treatment; all had to abide by the sect's rules.

Lu Nanzhi had to meet the standards set by the sect to be accepted as a disciple under the Yuan Ying True Lord. Otherwise, she could only be an ordinary inner disciple.

If Lu Nanzhi had to follow such rules, she, as a junior from a minor family, had no way to get special treatment.

So, she didn't know how long she would have to spend in the outer sect.

"So what if they give me more pills? They are not top-grade pills, and taking too many of them will cause medicinal toxicity, which will hinder my cultivation progress. What 'Elder'!"

Lin Suiwan vented her frustration, throwing many stones before finally standing up and walking back.

The path was peaceful, with tree shadows all around.

As Lin Suiwan was walking, a dark figure suddenly descended from the sky, and before she could react, a sack was pulled over her head.

"Who... Mmm!"

A flash of symbols, and Lin Suiwan was gagged. Punches and kicks rained down on her, wind and rain assaulting her body.

"You little brat, I can't provoke your family's Elder, but it's more than enough to teach you a lesson. From now on, every time I see you, I'll give you a beating!"

A male voice?

Another round of pummeling ensued, avoiding her head and face, but striking Lin Suiwan's body all over. She cried with tears streaming down her face, unable to beg for mercy due to the gag.

Finally, a kick to her back sent Lin Suiwan rolling to the base of a tree. She hit it hard, and everything fell silent. She endured the pain and removed the sack.

The woods were quiet, with no sign of anyone around.

Lin Suiwan's body was covered in bruises, her face pale from the pain, with blood flowing from her nose, and her hair disheveled.

However, except for her body, there was not a single scratch on any exposed skin.

She cried silently, trembling. She didn't know whom her family's Elder had offended to provoke such retaliation, and she feared the person might come after her again.

What 'Elder'? Not caring for her is one thing, but involving her in trouble and getting her beaten up? This place was too terrifying; she wanted to go back home!


In the Hall of Teaching.

Jiang Yuebai was in high spirits and a clear state of mind. Even before noon, she was the first to enter the Hall of Teaching. Sitting on a cushion in the front row outside the main hall, she earnestly studied the "Miscellaneous Collection of Five Flavors."

The books on the first floor of the library could be borrowed and returned within seven days. Any damage or loss incurred would be deducted from one's contribution points.

At this moment, Jiang Yuebai didn't have a single contribution point. Before coming up the mountain, she had walked around the eateries and saw many dishes made from spirit rice and demon beast meat, making her mouth water.

"The types of dishes are different and can be purchased with contribution points and spirit stones. Jiang Yuebai hesitated but refrained from buying.

"Do you also like 'Collection of Five Flavors'?"

A clear and gentle voice came from above. The man with ink-like eyebrows lifted his robe and sat down beside Jiang Yuebai. With a smile, he dazzled her.

He appeared to be in his early twenties, not wearing the attire of a sect disciple. He wore a sky-blue long robe, which looked quite charming.

Jiang Yuebai couldn't tell the man's cultivation level but felt his aura was profound yet not imposing. Could he also be an outer disciple?

Within the Tianyan Sect, as long as one's aptitude wasn't particularly poor and they could establish a foundation, they could basically become an outer disciple.

After careful consideration, Jiang Yuebai narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Senior Brother, you are really good-looking."

The man raised an eyebrow slightly.

"I am Jiang Yuebai. May I ask for Senior Brother's name?"

"Qingjiang Yuebai, the calm heart knows the sea gulls. Nice name. Is the book enjoyable?"

"Yes, I was immediately captivated. This person from Wuxi Mountain is so formidable."

The man nodded slightly, "I also admire such a woman. After battling for half her life, she had the courage to abandon the court and seek the great Dao. The person from Wuxi Mountain later learned that she had the most disregarded Five Spiritual Roots in the cultivation world, yet she never gave up."

"Riding a horse, wielding a spear, traversing the two nations of Cangyun, treading across the Central Plains, the Nine Domains, passing through the Western Cloud's 16 tribes, crossing the Ten Thousand Mountains of Tianwu, entering the realm of demonic beings, and searching for the merfolk in the dark sea, she left behind many astonishing deeds."

Jiang Yuebai's mind was filled with longing, "Did the person from Wuxi Mountain reach the pinnacle of the great Dao? There's no information about her age; I don't even know which dynasty she belonged to in the Yun Kingdom."

The man shook his head, "The person from Wuxi Mountain cultivated the Dao of freedom and didn't seek fame like the floating clouds. In the cultivation world, only her scattered writings remain. I estimate that if she hasn't fallen, she should be over a thousand years old by now and has ascended to the Heavenly Realm from our Earth Spirit Realm."

"The person from Wuxi Mountain once lived in the Leyou Mountain of Yuyang County in the Qingzhou of Yun Kingdom for a while. The small courtyard in her mountain has now become the Wuxi Temple, where incense is flourishing. If you are interested, you can visit it during your future adventures."

"Okay, I will definitely go and see. By the way, do you know what happened after the person from Wuxi Mountain killed the White Snake at the Cliff of the Azure Sea? It's not fully written in this collection..."

Jiang Yuebai asked questions, and the man answered slowly and meticulously. Jiang Yuebai listened with fascination, her eyes shining with stars.

Until the clock struck the ninth hour, someone entered the lecture hall, and Jiang Yuebai reluctantly stopped asking questions.

As she turned her head, she saw a six-year-old girl dressed in white, with a handsome face and a cold aura, making her feel distant and unapproachable.

Jiang Yuebai recognized her at a glance; she was Lu Nanzhi.

A hint of surprise flashed in Lu Nanzhi's eyes, and she nodded slightly before walking straight into the hall and sitting upright in the middle of the first row.

Jiang Yuebai widened her eyes. Inner disciples had Golden Core Realms and Nascent Soul True Monarchs to teach them, so there was no need for them to attend lectures in the lecture hall.

As a proud talent, she could actually set aside her identity and study alongside the outer disciples and menial workers.

"A disciple of the Lu Clan, humble and not arrogant, indeed quite impressive."

Jiang Yuebai nodded vigorously, fully agreeing with what the man said.

Another child stepped into the lecture hall. Jiang Yuebai's eyes widened; dressed in a luxurious white robe, it was the inner disciple, Xie Jingshan!

With their gazes meeting, Xie Jingshan also recognized Jiang Yuebai, the little girl who had challenged him on height at the mountain gate. He couldn't help but straighten his back.

Glancing at the man beside Jiang Yuebai, Xie Jingshan's pupils trembled slightly, and he quickly bowed respectfully.

"Xie Jingshan pays respect to Elder Li."

Jiang Yuebai turned her head abruptly, her eyes widening even more. This handsome and gentle Senior Brother turned out to be Elder Li Jiuchuan? Wasn't he supposed to be an old man like her grandfather?

Li Jiuchuan smiled warmly, "It's almost time, put away the miscellaneous books and listen to the lecture. Take your seat as well."

Jiang Yuebai blushed and hurriedly stuffed the collection into her storage pouch, then sat up straight, not daring to look around.

Following Li Jiuchuan, Xie Jingshan entered the hall and sat beside Lu Nanzhi. Jiang Yuebai watched their backs, eyes filled with envy.

"In the future, I want to sit inside and listen to the lectures too."

More and more disciples arrived to listen to the lecture. Seeing Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan, the two inner disciples, many were surprised. All outer disciples who entered the hall to listen to the lecture should pay respects to them. Xie Jingshan occasionally nodded in acknowledgment, while Lu Nanzhi remained cold and aloof, ignoring others.

If it weren't for Li Jiuchuan's presence, there might have been a fight over a spot near Lu Nanzhi.

Jiang Yuebai couldn't understand. Were inner disciples really worth ingratiating oneself with so much?

Today, the lecture hall was overcrowded. Not only were there many outer disciples inside, but the square outside was also filled with menial workers.

Jiang Yuebai saw that Lü Ying couldn't find a seat and quickly waved her over to share a cushion.

Li Jiuchuan glanced at them but said nothing.

At the ninth hour, Li Jiuchuan picked up a small hammer and struck the bronze bell beside him, producing a clear and melodious sound that silenced the commotion.

A person who was late just stepped in with one foot, only to be hit hard by the sound waves and sent flying.

The gentle Li Jiuchuan from earlier had a stern expression now, exuding authority without anger.

"Those who can't keep time are not worthy of listening to this Elder's teachings!"

Everyone's scalp tingled. Those who knew Li Jiuchuan well knew that he was strict and didn't care about one's aptitude or cultivation level. He simply detested those who didn't value time because, with his Five Spiritual Roots aptitude, time on the path of cultivation was equivalent to life.

"Good, today we will discuss the principles of the Five Elements' generation and control. If you think this is only suitable for Golden Core Realms, you may leave now... Since no one is leaving, let's begin the lecture..."


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