Chapter 27: Opportunity

Inside a quiet room at Xiancao Tower.

An elderly man with white hair stroked his beard, his fingers resting on Tao Fengnian's wrist, his brows furrowing gradually.

"Old Du, can I... last for another three years?" Tao Fengnian's voice trembled, his expression heavy.

Du Zhong withdrew his hand and let out a deep sigh. "Difficult!"

"Then just say it straight, how much longer do I have to live?"

"At most one year, and that's with the assumption that you'll keep cultivating in seclusion," Du Zhong replied.

Tao Fengnian fell into silence. The Lifespan Prolonging Pill was a rare item in high demand, almost impossible to purchase from outside. He could only try to find a solution from within the Tianyan Sect.

Initiating his cultivation in his 30s, Tao Fengnian's aptitude and foundation were far from satisfactory. Failing to build his foundation twice had even injured his roots.

In his younger years, he had more zeal, taking on missions to cultivate spirit herbs. Now, he sought stability in all aspects and couldn't accumulate the thirty thousand contribution points needed to exchange for a ten-year Lifespan Prolonging Pill. His only hope lay with Jiang Yuebai.

But even if that girl had some extraordinary talents, she wouldn't become a Spirit Farming Master within a year.

"Is there really no other way? Even if... even if I could hold on for two more years," Tao Fengnian's eyes pleaded.

Du Zhong looked puzzled. "You came here last year, saying you were following the arrangements of the heavenly path. Why are you suddenly so eager to live now?"

Tao Fengnian smiled bitterly. Who would want to die if they could avoid it? If not for the desire to survive, why would he have entered the path of cultivation? He would have followed his wife to the afterlife long ago.

Before, he couldn't see any hope and had nothing to worry about, so dying was fine.

But now, just thinking about that girl made his heart ache unbearably. She was still so young, depending on him for everything. How could he easily let go and leave her feeling sad and helpless?

"There is a way."

Tao Fengnian raised his head suddenly, his gaze intense.

Du Zhong took a breath. "Using a Gu to prolong your life. However, this is like drinking poison to quench your thirst. You need to think it over."

Tao Fengnian lowered his gaze. At this moment, he felt no fear towards a poisonous Gu. Instead, he felt a sense of relief, as if a heavy burden had been lifted, and he was finally going to be rescued.

"Old Du, this favor is as great as granting me a new life. Thank you so much." Tao Fengnian stood up and bowed in gratitude.

Du Zhong's eyes flashed, and he also stood up, supporting Tao Fengnian's arm.

"You're being too serious. If you hadn't saved me after I fell off the cliff while collecting herbs all those years ago, how could I be here now? Everything is due to karma and fate."

"Don't blame me for nagging, but with this Gu and flower, you must never lose the mother flower. Otherwise, even immortals won't be able to save you. During the period of having the Gu inside you, avoid using weapons and instead nourish the Gu with foods that boost spiritual energy. Only then can it last."

"And if you can find another way, it's better... better than consuming the Gu."

"I understand." Tao Fengnian put down a pouch of spirit stones.

Holding a wooden box with the mother flower inside, Tao Fengnian left Xiancao Tower with a cheerful mood.

He couldn't help but start to imagine scenes of Jiang Yuebai growing day by day, passing the Spirit Farming Master's examination, and even becoming an inner disciple of a true deity. The present moment was filled with anticipation.

A chuckle emerged from the corners of Tao Fengnian's lips as he looked around, searching for Jiang Yuebai.

Seeing her playing with wooden blocks on a stall across the street, as well as the wooden sign on the stall, he suddenly became anxious.

"Oh no, how could I forget to warn her not to fall for scams?"

Hastening his pace, Tao Fengnian walked over. Such scammers were numerous in the market, luring people with valuable magical tools, setting up seemingly simple puzzles to exploit the hopeful greed of others and swindle their spirit stones.

"It's solved. Hand over the item!"

When Tao Fengnian approached, he saw Jiang Yuebai putting down the scattered wooden blocks with a triumphant expression, extending her little hand.

The stall owner's mouth gaped slightly, and the people around stared in shock.

There were nine items in total, and they hadn't even figured out the first one when Jiang Yuebai had already disassembled all nine. In less than a quarter of an hour, she had finished.

The female cultivator put down her file, and her eyes brightened with surprise. She leaned in and asked, "Little girl, have you seen this kind of puzzle lock before?"

Jiang Yuebai didn't hide it. "My family has been carpenters for three generations. This puzzle lock is just a slightly more complex mortise and tenon structure. I've been playing with them since I was two."

The female cultivator wore a look of realization, then took out a walnut-sized small boat from her pocket and tossed it to Jiang Yuebai.

"Take this to play with."

Jiang Yuebai caught the small boat and was momentarily stunned. She had thought the woman was a scammer about to deny her claims, but she didn't expect her to be so generous.

Could it be fake? She immediately examined the small boat in her hand, and Tao Fengnian's voice came from above.

"It's a genuine seventh-grade magical tool."

"Grandpa!" Jiang Yuebai's eyes lit up, and she quickly presented the small boat to Tao Fengnian, as if she were presenting a precious treasure. "I won a flying magical tool for you. You really should throw away that paper crane of yours."

"It's too precious. You should keep it for yourself," Tao Fengnian declined.

Jiang Yuebai insisted and forcefully shoved the small boat into Tao Fengnian's hands. "I don't know how to use it anyway, and Grandpa, you're the one who takes me back and forth every day. You should keep it."

Tao Fengnian was touched and ruffled Jiang Yuebai's hair. "Alright, Grandpa will hold onto it for now. I'll give it back to you when you learn how to use it."

"Cough, excuse me for interrupting, but I wonder if this young friend would be willing to have your granddaughter join my sect?"

At this, Tao Fengnian looked up to carefully examine the female cultivator before him.

A Golden Core cultivator!

Tao Fengnian's heart trembled, and he quickly clasped his hands in a formal greeting. "Greetings, senior."

The female cultivator nodded lightly. With the release of her Golden Core aura, the onlookers scattered in all directions.

"I am Mo Baichun, with the alias 'Wu Chen,' proficient in puppet mechanisms. I wander aimlessly without a fixed place. Recently, I've had a feeling and calculated a destined opportunity. That's why I've set up this stall and am seeking a capable disciple to inherit my legacy."

Jiang Yuebai blinked in confusion, while Tao Fengnian furrowed his brows. The sunny disposition he had just gained was overshadowed again.

He never expected Jiang Yuebai to have such an opportunity, to be recognized by a Golden Core cultivator. Even if she was just a lone cultivator without a sect, it was better than being a menial worker within the Tianyan Sect.

He also knew that Jiang Yuebai had been reading "Collection of Five Flavors" lately and seemed to yearn for a life of wandering like the recluse Five flavors mountain hermit.

But him...

Tao Fengnian clenched and loosened his fists. Mo Baichun was in no hurry; she could see that Tao Fengnian's lifespan was near its end, making it almost certain that she would successfully recruit Jiang Yuebai as a disciple.


Taking a deep breath, Tao Fengnian squatted down and spoke gently, "Little girl, 'Wu Chen' is a Golden Core cultivator. She wants to take you as her disciple and travel around the world. This matter is very important for you. Therefore, you need to make the decision yourself. You don't need to worry about Grandpa. Just ask yourself if you want to go with her."

Jiang Yuebai furrowed her delicate eyebrows, casting a wary look at Mo Baichun and speaking with resolute determination.

"I'm not going!"


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