Chapter 30 - Slaughter

The black-clad woman and scar-faced man clearly didn't take Jiang Yuebai, a mere third-layer Qi refining practitioner, seriously. Little did they know that her spells were fast, precise, and ruthless; one move disabled one eye of the demonic wolf.

Scar-faced man's eyes bulged with rage, and he glared at Jiang Yuebai with intense malice, as if he wanted to tear her limb from limb.

Seizing this moment, Tao Fengnian swiftly retrieved his lock-scythe, releasing Eighth-Grade talismans into the air.

The yellow sand sunk, and the scythe flew swiftly.

Scar-faced man stumbled, black-clad woman leapt, one sank into the quicksand, the other shattered trees underfoot.

Tao Fengnian confronted the two of them alone, displaying his seasoned resilience.

Howling echoed — the demonic wolf roared in fury, lunging at Jiang Yuebai.

The formation of golden light emerged, as the wolf's claws scratched, sending sparks flying. Jiang Yuebai retreated in fear, drawing her Wood Chopping knife.

"Stay back!"

Scar-faced man roared, the wolf's red eyes compelling it to retreat, aiding in the battle.

The clinking of chains, explosive spells — Tao Fengnian was pounced on by the wolf. He evaded left and right, his scythe dancing up and down, gleaming like silver.

The pressure on the black-clad woman weakened, and she swiftly scattered thorns seeds. Vines sprouted and danced, entwining around scar-faced man's arm, pulling him out of the quicksand.

"You handle the old one, I'll take care of the young one!"

Scar-faced man swung his massive blade with an imposing air, attacking Tao Fengnian.

Jiang Yuebai's anxiety was barely concealed. In this life-threatening crisis, she was uncertain how to assist Tao Fengnian.

Boom! Boom! Several vines emerged from the ground, violently lashing at the golden light formation, causing a violent tremor. The disturbance agitated Jiang Yuebai's spiritual energy, leaving her in a state of panic.

"Ugh!" A muffled groan — Tao Fengnian knelt to the ground. His lock-scythe was hastily detonated, forcing the wolf and scar-faced man to retreat. While his body was scorched and bleeding, the majority of the damage was mitigated by his golden light protection.

Witnessing this, the black-clad woman narrowed her eyes.

"Old man, watch closely. I'm going to kill your granddaughter bit by bit."

Jiang Yuebai's eyes turned red. Gritting her teeth, she shouted, "Grandfather, I'm not useless!"

Tao Fengnian trembled, feeling the imminent danger. He had survived countless life-or-death situations. If he died now, she wouldn't survive either. In this critical moment, he chose to trust her.

Tao Fengnian swiftly consumed a healing pill. After nearly forty years of cultivation, despite two failed attempts at Foundation Establishment, his cultivation wasn't something an ordinary third-layer Qi practitioner could compare to.

One man, one wolf — what's there to fear? The wolf roared, scar-faced man's blade swung fiercely, and Tao Fengnian turned his back to Jiang Yuebai, focusing on the ongoing battle. His lock-scythe lunged forth, reigniting the battle.

"I want to see if you're truly capable of staying focused!"

The black-clad woman bellowed in anger, scattering numerous thorn seeds into the air. Before they landed, they grew into entwining vines, a mass of serpents writhing.

Jiang Yuebai found herself encircled, employing the Chasing Star Steps while wielding her wood-chopping knife. Her body shimmered with golden light, blocking or mitigating the damage. She unleashed three Geng Metal Talismans in succession, leaving traces of blood on her skin.

Risking injury, Jiang Yuebai adjusted to her heightened speed and strength, transitioning from passive defense to aggressive offense.

【... Proficiency in Chopping Wood Sword Technique +1】

【... Proficiency in Chopping Wood Sword Technique +1】

As the effect of the last Geng Metal Talisman faded, she broke free from the encirclement, her speed suddenly skyrocketing to its zenith. She charged straight at the black-clad woman's face.

The black-clad woman underestimated her opponent and was caught off guard. She tried to dodge Jiang Yuebai's downward slash, but she was a step too slow.

The blade grazed the black-clad woman's shoulder. She widened her eyes in astonishment, yet she didn't feel the sensation of flesh being torn apart.

Lowering her head, she couldn't help but chuckle. To her amusement, the tattered wood-chopping knife hadn't even ripped through her protective garments.

Bang! The black-clad woman delivered a powerful kick, causing Jiang Yuebai to spurt blood from her mouth. She flew like a cannonball and crashed into a tree before collapsing to the ground.

Numerous ribs in Jiang Yuebai's body were likely broken. Blood surged up her throat, unstoppable and painful, making her almost suffocate.

"Flea trying to shake the tree! You know nothing of life and death!"

The black-clad woman walked forward at a leisurely pace. Vines coiled down her arm, transforming into hardened thorns that gleamed with a metallic luster.

Jiang Yuebai, gasping heavily, tightened her grip on the wood-chopping knife, using it to prop herself up.

"I've had enough fun. It's time to send you on your way!"

As her words echoed, the black-clad woman's thorns shot forth like projectiles from her hand.

Jiang Yuebai's gaze turned fierce, her spirit highly focused amidst the life-and-death pressure. Her mind cleared, and in the midst of this, she perceived everything around her slowing down. Thousands of images of her practicing wood-chopping technique flashed through her mind.

All images converged into one, and with a forceful swing of her arm, she struck!


The thorns shattered!

【Congratulations, your Chopping Wood Sword Technique has reached the Grand Completion realm.】

The moment was now!

Qi surged throughout her body as Jiang Yuebai smashed the glass bottle from her left hand onto the ground. Spitting blood, she leaped upwards.

The black-clad woman's gaze tightened. Faced with the unknown object in the glass bottle and the knife-wielding girl, she made a quick decision in the blink of an eye. She swung her hand to strike the glass bottle.


The glass bottle exploded, and the Ice Armored Beetle King's wings unfurled. Its intense icy mist billowed out like the maw of a beast, instantly devouring the black-clad woman and the surrounding vines.

Her entire body froze, and frost covered her skin, immobilizing her. All she could do was widen her eyes, watching as Jiang Yuebai's knife swept toward her neck.

Straining with all her might, the black-clad woman leaned backward, surrounded by a dazzling golden light. Just inches away from her neck, the blade failed to make contact.

Jiang Yuebai landed and toppled over, the runic symbols on her wood-chopping knife now dim.

"Insolent pest...!!"

A warm liquid sprayed from the black-clad woman's neck.


A head tumbled to the ground, its two eyes wide open in horror.

Jiang Yuebai's momentum subsided, and she trembled in post-battle fear.

The black-clad woman had believed that Jiang Yuebai's attack couldn't harm her, unaware that the Grand Completion wood-chopping technique, combined with the power of ninety-nine Geng Metal Blades, made beheading her an effortless feat.

From the moment she broke free from the golden light formation, each step had been meticulously planned. She had intentionally held back on the first strike, allowing the black-clad woman to counterattack without using her ice armor, all to lull her into a false sense of security.

For the right moment, for the decisive blow!

A sob escaped from Tao Fengnian. His body was drenched in blood, the lock-scythe extracted from the wolf's nape. The massive wolf fell with a thunderous crash.

The scar-faced man's eyes widened in shock, unable to believe that Jiang Yuebai had managed to kill the black-clad woman and slay the wolf during the moment of distraction. His eyes nearly burst from his sockets.

"I'll make sure you don't die peacefully!!"

The scar-faced man roared in rage, pulling out a vial from his chest and smashing it to the ground.

The vial shattered into fragments, releasing a bluish smoke that carried a fragrant aroma, dispersing in the wind, momentarily stirring the quiet forest.

Howls and roars echoed — wolves and beasts cried out.

Tao Fengnian trembled all over, his voice quivering. "This is... the Beast-Luring Fragrance!"


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