Chapter 32: Observations at the Hall of Myriad Laws (Part 1)

At the foot of the Qingyun Peak, beneath the main gate of the Tianyan Sect.

Tao Fengnian handed over their two tokens to the disciple guarding the gate for inspection.

"Old Tao, you're looking pretty good. Did you have a big haul on this trip again?"

"Yeah, looking at your rosy complexion and energetic spirit, did something good happen?"

"What good could there be? Same old, same old." Tao Fengnian smiled as he took back the tokens.

Jiang Yuebai craned her neck to look around, thinking that Mo Baichun's healing medicine was truly effective. Her grandfather's complexion had improved over the past two days, and he wasn't coughing much either.

Entering through the gate, Jiang Yuebai looked up at the towering main peak of the Tianyan Sect, Tiankui Peak, and said, "Grandfather, you go back first. I want to visit Senior Li from the Hall of Myriad Laws and present the gift I prepared."

Tao Fengnian hesitated, noticing that it was almost noon. He tightened his grip on the wooden box in his arms.

"Alright, I'll go back to the Huaxi Valley to deal with those monster corpses. I'll return directly after leaving the Hall of Myriad Laws. If you need anything, use a paper crane to contact me. The main peak is a crucial area of the sect, so don't wander around recklessly."

Jiang Yuebai smiled, her eyes curving. "Sure, I know how to handle things."

With that, Jiang Yuebai activated her Chasing Star Steps and disappeared like a wisp of smoke on the mountain path.

The Hall of Myriad Laws was a sacred place within the sect, situated beneath the main peak in the Hulusi Valley. There was a large formation guarding the valley entrance, and a white tiger with a refined demon core resided there.

This time, due to Jiang Yuebai's involvement in constructing the Five Elements Revolving Bridge, Li Jiuchuan had shown considerable interest. So, he had given her a token early on, instructing her to find him after her success.

"May I ask the Honored Tiger to allow me into the valley?"

Jiang Yuebai offered her token with both hands. The lazy white tiger yawned and shook its head lazily before walking elegantly towards Jiang Yuebai.

Its wet nose sniffed her all over, and its snout gently bumped into her.


Jiang Yuebai plopped down on the ground with her cheeks puffed up.

There was a mischievous glint in the white tiger's eyes. Its ears twitched, and a gap opened in the valley's protective formation.

Jiang Yuebai got up, dusted off the dirt, and cursed the tiger under her breath before bowing and leaving.

Passing through a bamboo-lined path, the scenery suddenly opened up, revealing a strange and wonderful world.

Mist enveloped the landscape, concealing and revealing the verdant mountain peaks. Waterfalls flowed like silver dragons, roaring with a thousand waves.

Amidst the mist and moisture, floating islands and pavilions dotted the scenery. Divine palaces and celestial cranes circled in the sky, as if a palace had descended into the mortal world.

Butterflies fluttered around, and Jiang Yuebai strolled among them, tilting her head to take in the view.

She saw cultivators riding on swords, spirit beasts playing and tumbling around, and a white-robed child with a red dot on their forehead hurriedly carrying a gourd.

"Don't run! Senior Uncle painstakingly raised you. If you run away, Senior Uncle's end-of-year assessment will be ruined again."

A green figure approached. Jiang Yuebai hurriedly stopped her steps and saw a person-shaped ginseng baby with a green tassel running past her. It noticed her staring and stopped, kicking some dirt at her in annoyance.

"Watch out!"

Jiang Yuebai was pushed by a gust of wind, and a streak of light crashed into the ground, creating a display of fiery trees and silver flowers that was quite a sight to behold.

"I've improved this spell thousands of times, why does it still fall short?"

A Golden Core cultivator departed while sighing.

"We need innovation in the Hall of Myriad Laws. The Cloud and Smoke Formation is outdated!"

"Just because it's outdated doesn't mean we should use the Dragon and Elephant Formation. The dragon boat is meant for transportation, not for smashing people!"

"Come on, both of you, if you don't agree with each other, let's settle it with a real showdown."

In the distance, two disheveled cultivators stood beneath a half-built dragon boat, rolling up their sleeves and revealing their brilliant spiritual swords as if they were about to fight.

Jiang Yuebai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling that this place was dangerous. She quickly picked up her pace and entered a small courtyard ahead.

Passing through the cave entrance and the waterside pavilion, a lotus pond splashed her with water from a long-winged koi. Jiang Yuebai pouted in annoyance but couldn't find anyone to ask where Li Jiuchuan was.

Like a headless fly, she wandered around for a while until she heard voices.

"Brother Du, where are you rushing off to?"

"Isn't it about the snow disaster a few days ago? The disciples of the Enforcement Hall found the Ice Armored Beetle Kings in various valleys. I've got some information here and wanted to ask the Enforcement Hall about the situation back then for verification."

"That matter isn't resolved yet? I finished that task after reversing the universe."

"It's not complete until we find the source of the snow disaster. The Yin Qi was exceptionally strong this time, and even at the Yin Wind Ravine, we couldn't find anything unusual. I don't know where this Yin Qi is leaking from. The resentment is so strong that even the celestial phenomena have been affected. What are you up to?"

"Just because of Li Jiuchuan. He's still not giving up on repairing his damaged lifebound magic treasure. He came to me again, asking for a book on crafting techniques. I went to deliver it, but he wasn't there. I wasted a trip; he's really pushing it!"

"Stop bad-mouthing him. Although it was Revered True Gown guarding during the Dark Sea Ghost Tide, his contribution was significant. He broke his lifebound magic treasure in the process and nearly formed his Core. He's a pitiable person. If not for Revered True Gown's insistence on keeping him in the Hall of Myriad Laws, given his current state, he'd have been sent to guard a mine or a secret realm and died there. It's just because of his looks, relying on his appearance to manipulate others, that he's called a little pretty boy."

"Loose lips sink ships. You might say it's fine for Li Jiuchuan, but some things wouldn't be good if they reached Revered True Gown's ears. Besides, it seems they haven't really interacted much..."

As the two passed by Jiang Yuebai, in the eyes of the Golden Core cultivators, she was like an ant—a presence they didn't care about and couldn't even see.

After the two Golden Core cultivators walked away from Jiang Yuebai, she straightened her body and frowned.


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