Chapter 33: Little Gains (Part 1)

After Li Jiuchuan finished speaking, he chuckled in a self-deprecating manner before Jiang Yuebai could respond.

"Forget it, even I am like the monkey king crossing the river; following me won't lead you anywhere promising. If you have any doubts about your cultivation in the future, feel free to come to me. While I still have the energy, I will do my best to guide you."

Jiang Yuebai nodded sullenly and mustered the courage to ask, "Senior Li, is it really impossible to repair your lifebound magic treasure?"

Li Jiuchuan didn't avoid the question, "It's very difficult. My lifebound magic treasure was designed based on scattered records collected by Five Flavors Mountain Hermit. There's no complete method for refining it, and I've been improvising."

"It was indeed formidable at first, allowing me, in the early Golden Core stage, to contend against those in the late Golden Core stage. But... it still had flaws. I believe that today, apart from Five Flavors Mountain Hermit, no one else would be able to help me restore it."

"Can't you replace it with a different one?"

"A lifebound magic treasure is connected to the Golden Core's divine soul. How can it be replaced? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Reforge the Core!"

"Ah?" Jiang Yuebai was shocked. Li Jiuchuan sounded resolute, clearly implying that.

"Can't you, maybe, go find the Five Flavors Mountain Hermit?"

"She travels far and wide. It's not easy to find her. Even if I do find her, considering it concerns my lifebound magic treasure, she might not be willing to reveal the refining method to me."

Jiang Yuebai lowered her head in silence for a moment, then took a deep breath and retrieved an exquisite wooden box from her storage pouch.

"This is the Spirit Mist Immortal Tea I bought in the Southern Valley Market. I want to thank Senior Li for the guidance you've given me."

Jiang Yuebai stood up and paid her respects.

Li Jiuchuan opened the box and sniffed the tea fragrance. "This year's new tea from the winter solstice. Excellent. I've just run out of tea here, so I won't need to buy more."

Li Jiuchuan poured out the old tea leaves from the teapot, replaced them with the new tea leaves, and Jiang Yuebai let out a sigh of relief, fearing that Li Jiuchuan might not like her gift.

Jiang Yuebai sat down again and said, "I have another question I'd like to ask Senior Li."

"But of course, feel free to ask."

"It's about that day during the snowstorm. I used the Grass and wood Technique in the field, but I accidentally invoked the Water Spirit Qi."

Li Jiuchuan raised an eyebrow, "Oh? What happened next?"

"My hand got frozen. So, I was puzzled. Can other elemental attributes of spiritual energy be used to drive wood-aligned spells, creating new variations? Could other spells also have such changes? Unfortunately, after several attempts, I haven't succeeded again."

Li Jiuchuan placed the teapot on the small red stove and asked, "Aside from the Five Elements transformation, have you learned about the Three Peculiar Attributes?"

"Wind, thunder, and ice? I've read a little, but I haven't fully grasped the Five Elements yet. It feels too complex."

"Putting aside the others, do you know where ice comes from? This question has been on Lü Nanzi's mind. She's been chasing me, coming to this courtyard many times. Now it seems you've grasped it ahead of her."

Jiang Yuebai became animated, leaning forward involuntarily, her face full of curiosity.

Li Jiuchuan straightened his sleeve, exuding the same seriousness he had while teaching.

"The Five Elements are the foundation of the world's operation, but within the Five Elements, other variations can also emerge. Wind, thunder, and ice are the Three Peculiar Attributes. This is still about enlightenment. Merely practicing diligently won't lead you there..."

A red stove, a teapot, several branches of plum blossoms in the corridor.

Tea boiling, fire extinguishing, wind rising, plum blossoms falling.

"I understand. Ice is essentially water, but it's cold and can't nurture wood, so it's expelled during the process of water nurturing wood. That's why my hand was covered in frost."

Jiang Yuebai's face was full of excitement as Li Jiuchuan put down the teapot.

Eager, she immediately turned around and performed the Grass and wood technique towards the winter plum blossoms.

The red plum blossoms gradually bloomed, their faint fragrance wafting in the air.

With wide eyes filled with joy, Jiang Yuebai saw frost gradually covering her hands. She had succeeded!

Li Jiuchuan put down the teapot, "Now that you understand how ice forms from water, comprehending the Wind and Thunder attributes is just a matter of time. However, understanding isn't enough; you should also consider how to incorporate them into your spells. You're very intelligent, but I must remind you not to become complacent due to a short-lived achievement. The process of mastering these attributes can have various complications. You might find the key in a few days, or it could take you several years, even decades."

Jiang Yuebai nodded, "Yes. In fact, because of the ice formation from water, I already have some ideas. For instance, can I use Metal Spirit Qi to activate the Cloud and Rain Art? This way, wouldn't the Cloud and Rain Art become a lethal spell with a rain of golden needles?"

Li Jiuchuan smiled, his lips curling. "In theory, it's possible, but achieving this requires years of practice to make it second nature. Moreover, this method probably requires someone like you, who has mastered the Five Elements Revolving Bridge. It could be considered a unique secret technique."

Jiang Yuebai bowed deeply, "Thank you so much for guiding me today, Senior Li. It's like a sudden enlightenment."

"It's your good comprehension. In fact, you're well-suited for researching spells at the Hall of Myriad Laws. Unfortunately, it's difficult for you to openly enter the Hall of Myriad Laws now. It's getting late. Let me fetch a few books for you. Go back early. Follow me inside."


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