Chapter 16: It's Intuition

At 5:30 PM in the afternoon, Thirty-Seventh Beast High School dismissed its students.

At 5:33 PM, groups of students walked out of the school gate in pairs or threes.

"Are we going to battle here?" a slightly husky voice spoke up.

After nearly an hour of reading, Qiao Sang finally got her first inquirer.

She looked up to see a tall and robust figure standing before her. Wrapped around his waist and coiling upwards to his neck was a snake-like pet beast with a body as thick as a fist, colored in a sandy hue.

It was a Long-Tailed Snake, the evolved form of a Short-Tailed Snake.

Qiao Sang glanced at him and then took out a pen from her backpack to silently add a few words on a piece of paper.

【Limited to Beginner-Level Pets】

The tall guy clicked his tongue, didn't say much, and turned away.

Once the first came, the second soon followed. Another person arrived quickly.

This time, it was a cheerful-looking boy. He scratched his head in front of Qiao Sang, appearing somewhat embarrassed. "If I win, I won't take any money. Could I get your contact information instead?"

Qiao Sang readily agreed, "Sure."

It was even better if it didn't cost any money. Her entire wealth added up to just 532 Union Coins, barely enough for a few rounds of losses. She also needed to save some money for her return trip.

Beside the boy stood a friend with a hedgehog-like hairstyle, sporting an expression of casual interest. Clearly, he was the boy's companion.

"Let's go over there to battle," the hedgehog-head suggested, pointing to a white poplar tree in South River Park.

They were currently near the entrance and exit of South River Park, a place bustling with people coming and going after school. It wasn't an ideal spot for combat.

Following the direction he indicated, Qiao Sang nodded.

The trio reached the white poplar tree. This spot was somewhat remote, with no one visible within about 20 meters.

"I'll be the referee," the hedgehog-head volunteered.

Naturally, Qiao Sang had no objections.

The boy formed a summoning gesture. Underneath the white starry pattern, a plump, brown-coloreddove, about 80 centimeters tall, appeared on the ground.

The standard height of an ordinary Little Fat Dove, that was around 60 centimeters. The one before them had clearly been well nurtured.

"Jiang Liu, any objections if the girl goes first?" the hedgehog-head asked.

Different competitions had different rules. Some were decided beforehand as to who would launch the first attack, while others didn't mind who struck first.

"Of course not," Jiang Liu replied, spreading his hands.

As the referee, the hedgehog-head picked Qiao Sang to go first. Not being pretentious, she directly gave her command, "Fire Tooth Dog, use Spark."


The Fire Tooth Dog leaped out of Qiao Sang's arms. Its eyes sharpened instantly, and as it opened its mouth, it released a spark about the size of a baby's fist, glowing in shades of orange-red.

Facing this sudden attack, Jiang Liu didn't give any commands. The Little Fat Dove remained unfazed, even as the spark was about to hit it. It moved leftwards a couple of times, easily avoiding the spark.

The Little Fat Dove was recognized for its slow speed, and the one before them wasn't particularly fast either. However, its reaction was good, dodging the attack with minimal movements. Clearly, it had undergone targeted training.

While analyzing, Qiao Sang didn't stop her commands. "Charge."

The Fire Tooth Dog applied force to its limbs and rushed forward.

"Fly up and use Screech," Jiang Liu issued his first command.

The Little Fat Dove flapped its short wings and took flight.

Without any training, the Fire Tooth Dog's attack speed wasn't fast. By the time the Little Fat Dove was airborne, the Fire Tooth Dog had only covered half the distance.


Screech was a relatively ordinary skill. In battle, it couldn't directly cause damage but could momentarily affect the opponent.

To Qiao Sang's ears, this sound was somewhat grating. The Fire Tooth Dog's movements stuttered slightly, its speed slowing down a bit.

"Air Strike," Jiang Liu followed up with another command.

Air Strike was an exclusive skill for flying-type pet beasts. Similar to a ground-type pet's charge attack, the key difference lay in the fact that while a Charge relied solely on the beast's own limb strength, an Air Strike could utilize the flow of air to generate a greater impact force, surpassing that of a regular charge.

The Little Fat Dove's wings folded back, and airflow whirled around it with a howling sound. It shot directly at the Fire Tooth Dog.

Seeing the Little Fat Doveflying towards it, the Fire Tooth Dog instinctively attempted to dodge.

"Don't move!" At that moment, Qiao Sang commanded.

If hit by Air Strike, the Fire Tooth Dog would certainly sustain a significant injury. However, upon hearing Qiao Sang's command, it forcefully restrained its body, choosing to heed her words.

Quite astonishing!

The hedgehog-head stared at the scene, his eyes widening.

Both Qiao Sang's command and the Fire Tooth Dog's reaction seemed completely unexpected to him.

"Let's not even talk about the command, is the Fire Tooth Dog always this obedient?!"

"If it were the second or third contract, it would be understandable, but this is clearly the first pet of a rookie beast tamer."

"Among 1000 rookie beast tamers, it's rare to find one who contracts a Fire-type pet. Our school has more than 3000 students, but only two dare to contract a Fire-type pet right from the start."

"Fire-type pets are known for their hot-tempered and unmanageable nature."

"How did they make the Fire Tooth Dog obedient and stand still without moving?!"

"If it weren't for the ongoing battle, I'd like to run over to this young lady and learn from her."

"Now, jump!"

Qiao Sang calmly observed the situation and gave the command just as Little Fat Dove was about to collide with the Fire Tooth Dog.

Without hesitation, the Fire Tooth Dog leaped into the air the moment Qiao Sang issued the command.

Jiang Liu stared at the scene in astonishment.

How did this Fire Tooth Dog...?

How did it manage to jump onto Little Fat Dove's back?!

"Fire Fang, attack its wing!" Taking advantage of the opponent's lack of response, Qiao Sang issued the next command.

The Fire Tooth Dog exposed its fiery fangs, immediately enveloping the right wing of Little Fat Dove in flames and ruthlessly biting down.


Little Fat Dove let out an agonizing and sorrowful cry, and after that scream, it crashed heavily to the ground.

"My dove!" Jiang Liu exclaimed.

The Fire Tooth Dog jumped down from Little Fat Dove's body and turned to look at Qiao Sang with excitement in its eyes.

"Finally, Ember." Qiao Sang said calmly.

The Fire Tooth Dog quickly turned its head.

Under the attack of a baby-sized spark, Little Fat Dove whimpered and fainted.

Silence fell all around.

After about five seconds...

"Classmate... What's your name?" Hedgehog Head asked awkwardly.

"I'm called Qiao Sang," Qiao Sang replied.

"Qiao Sang wins." Hedgehog Head announced the final result.

Jiang Liu silently stored Little Fat Dove back into the Beast Taming Manual.

"How did you judge the timing for the Fire Tooth Dog to jump onto Little Fat Dove's back?" Jiang Liu approached, his expression complex.

This young girl in front of him, despite being younger than him, had such a strong sense of battle.

Under the speed of the aerial assault, the timing for the jump wasn't that easy to calculate.

If Little Fat Dove had approached the Fire Tooth Dog a moment sooner, it wouldn't have been able to jump onto Little Fat Dove's back. Calculating Little Fat Dove's descending speed was essential.

And then there was the Fire Tooth Dog. If it had hesitated for half a second, it wouldn't have made it onto Little Fat Dove's back.

All of this relied on the trust and command of the Beast Tamer.

Qiao Sang replied seriously, "It was intuition."

Jiang Liu: "..."

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