Chapter 20: The Bus Door Opens

The bus tilted slightly.

The driver pretended to remain calm as he drove, but the sweat on his forehead betrayed him.

"How much longer to the next stop?" a voice broke the silence.

"About 5 minutes," someone replied.

The bus fell silent once again.

"Can you let Fire Tooth Dog smell the scent on you? Maybe Fire Tooth Dog can detect where that thing is," Qiao Sang suddenly spoke in the silence.

The female student hadn't spoken yet, but the man with a square face standing next to her smirked, "Even if there really is a wild ghost-type Supernatural creature on the bus, are you sure you want to look for it while driving? What if you provoke it and something happens? Can you take responsibility?"

"Yeah, let's wait until the bus stops at the next station to discuss this."

"This should be handled by the patrol department. Let's not cause trouble."

"Right, what's the patrol department's number? I'll make the call."

"It's something like 669."

"...That's the control department."

People on the bus exchanged comments.

"It's not a ghost-type," Qiao Sang said.

"How do you know it's not?" someone asked.

"You were the one who said there was movement, and now you're saying there isn't. Are you just messing with us?" the man with a square face shouted.

Qiao Sang looked at him and chuckled, "Mister, I feel like you've been targeting me from the beginning."

The man with a square face widened his eyes and yelled, "I'm only 24!"

"Mister, your voice is a bit loud," Qiao Sang said, cupping his ear.

The man with a square face glared fiercely at Qiao Sang, his expression menacing. If it weren't for the Fire Tooth Dog in front of Qiao Sang, he might have started a fight in the next second.

"Why isn't it a ghost-type?" the female student asked.

"That lady's pet is a Magnetic Badger. If there were ghost-type Supernatural creatures around, its tail would be in a lightning shape, but right now, its tail is hanging straight down," Qiao Sang explained, pointing to the woman next to him.

The female student paused, recalling that there might have been something like that...

The Magnetic Badger had a magnetic field reaction and could sense specific magnetic field disturbances.

Unusual magnetic fields like those from ghost-type Supernatural creatures would unconsciously stimulate the Magnetic Badger's temporal lobe, causing its tail to take on a lightning shape.

But what was in the textbook remained in the textbook, and she hadn't expected to connect it to reality like this...

"Yeah, my Magnetic Badger is indeed like that," the woman next to her responded, nodding.

Hearing this, the female student didn't hesitate any longer and said, "Go ahead and smell."

Qiao Sang nodded at Fire Tooth Dog.

Fire Tooth Dog obediently approached the female student and began sniffing.

Qiao Sang noticed that the man with a square face standing next to him suddenly tensed his facial muscles.

Fire Tooth Dog sniffed around and then let out a growl directed at the man with a square face.

"Why's this damn dog barking?" the man with a square face snarled.


Fire Tooth Dog's fur stood on end, and it bared its sharp teeth, clearly provoked by the man in front of it.

The man with a square face was taken aback but stood his ground.

He looked at the girl holding Fire Tooth Dog, hoping she would control her pet better. However, he found the girl staring at him expressionlessly, her gaze icy and even more intimidating than Fire Tooth Dog.

Qiao Sang felt exceptionally calm at this moment. She gently stroked Fire Tooth Dog's back, trying to prevent it from getting agitated.

She couldn't attack him first. The Alliance clearly prohibited Beast Tamers from using their pets to attack ordinary citizens. Even if she had to confront him, she couldn't do it openly, especially with so many people on the bus.

This man was clearly suspicious. When she mentioned that Fire Tooth Dog had reacted to something, he had the most intense reaction. Fire Tooth Dog also smelled the same scent on him as on the female student.

However, it was impossible for him to suddenly appear with something and then disappear just like that.

Engaging in mischief on a public bus meant either seeking profit or lust.

Whatever it was, that the Fire Tooth Dog had earlier sensed, shouldn’t be making trouble anymore. The female student hadn't noticed anything unusual. If it had physically touched her, there would have been a reaction for sure.

It wasn't for lust.

So, it was for money.

"Have you lost something?" Qiao Sang turned to the female student and asked.

The female student hesitated for a moment, then checked her bag and pockets. After a couple of seconds, she exclaimed, "Oh my god, my phone is missing!"

As expected, Qiao Sang thought.

People on the bus also began checking their belongings.

"My phone is gone too!"

"My wallet is missing!"

"And the necklace I bought for my girlfriend!"

"My height-boosting insoles are gone!!!"

"My pet's Sand Fruit is gone!"

As they checked, about a third of the people on the bus realized that their belongings were missing.

Qiao Sang keenly noticed that those who reported their items missing were concentrated in the middle of the bus.

Qiao Sang looked at the man with a square face, becoming even more certain of her suspicions.

The man with a square face, seeing Qiao Sang's gaze upon him, had an extremely unpleasant expression. He clenched his teeth and said, "My phone is missing too!"

Qiao Sang: "..."

"Oh... I can't be separated from my pet even for a moment..." Just at that moment, a loud ringtone sounded from the man with a square face.

The man: "..."

Everyone's gaze turned towards him.

The man with a square face awkwardly chuckled and said, "It turns out it was still on me. I just couldn't find it earlier."

Qiao Sang asked, "Are you a Beast Tamer?"

The man with a square face's face darkened, and he hadn't figured out how to respond yet.

"He is, and he's wearing the Beast Tamer badge!" The female student, understanding the unusual behavior of the man with a square face, excitedly said.

Beast Tamers registered with the Alliance were given corresponding badges. For example, Level F Beast Tamers wore badges with a white background, the Alliance emblem on top, and an F symbol.

Some people liked to wear them, while others didn't. Generally, those who didn't wear the badges were low-level Beast Tamers.

The man with a square face prominently wore a gray E-level Beast Tamer badge on his chest.

This indicated that he had at least two intermediate-level pets.

"Do you mind showing us what your pets are?" Qiao Sang asked kindly.

The man with a square face wanted to refuse, but the gazes of everyone on the bus were focused on him.

"Show us your pets!"

"Yeah, what are you afraid of?"

"You were so arrogant just now, speak up!"

"Do you have some hidden pets you don't want us to see?"

The man with a square face's expression grew increasingly unpleasant, and his already twisted features became even more contorted. The sweat on his back made his gray vest cling tightly to his body.

Just when he didn't know what to do...

"We have arrived at Yonglin Station. Passengers who wish to disembark, please take your carry-on luggage and exit through the rear door."

The electronic announcement system sounded.

The bus door opened.

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