Chapter 3: Changing Houses (Part 3)

There was a moment of silence in the air.


The air was filled with a brief stillness.

"Come eat," her mother raised an eyebrow, placing the bought dishes on the dining table.

So, she went out to buy food...

"Coming." Qiao Sang watched her untouched matcha ice cream for a moment, abiding by her principle of not wasting, and then took another bite.

"Mom, why did you go out to buy food today?" Qiao Sang approached the dining table.

"I had something to do and didn't have time to cook, so I bought some on the way," her mother explained.

Qiao Sang asked, "What happened?"

After a moment of silence, her mother replied, "Sang Sang, let's move to a new house."

Qiao Sang was taken aback, her eating motion paused, and she asked, puzzled, "Why move to a new house?"

Hanging in the air was the fact that property prices in Hangang City, as the provincial capital of Zhehai Province, were exorbitant.

This house had been bought for her father by his family as a wedding present back when property prices weren't this outrageous.

The Qingcheng Jiayuan where they currently lived wasn't the most expensive area in Hangang City, but it had a great location, close to schools and the subway. Hence, it cost over 50,000 per square meter.

After taking a bite of food and swallowing, her mother looked at Qiao Sang and spoke after a while, "I just asked a real estate agent. Our current house is 133 square meters. The current market price is around 53,000 per square meter, so it could be sold for over 7 million league coins."

"I've thought about it. We can buy a smaller house, pay the down payment first, use the extra money to buy you a Bubbly Bell, and there will still be a lot left."

"Besides, I can still earn money. Other than moving to a slightly smaller house, nothing else will change."

Qiao Sang was dumbfounded.

In just a few hours, her mother had made such a big decision without discussing it with her.

"Mom..." She murmured, wanting to say something.

Her mother interrupted her, "Although your grades aren't great, you've awakened independently, and your talent is there."

"Although our family isn't particularly wealthy, I can get you whatever kind of pet beast you want."

"As long as you promise me not to treat it like studying, fishing for three days and drying the net for two. You have to cultivate it properly."

TL note: “fishing for three days and drying the net for two” Cis often used to describe someone who appears to be working diligently or making a lot of effort, but in reality, they are not consistently productive or committed to their work or task . "Fishing for three days" suggests that someone is actively engaged in a task for a significant amount of time, which may seem impressive.

"Drying the net for two days" implies that after working for a brief period, this person takes a longer break or rest, indicating inconsistency and a lack of sustained effort.

Ye Xiangting hadn't initially thought of this, but her daughter mentioned wanting a psychic-type pet beast.

Her daughter's academic performance might not be excellent, but the fact that she had independently awakened indicated she had talent in Beast Taming.

Their family had never had a child who awakened independently before.

Given that, it made sense to buy an expensive but promising pet beast, especially if her daughter liked it.

This was what a good mother should do.

Qiao Sang felt an indescribable emotion. All she knew was that she wanted to eat the remaining matcha ice cream in her hand to calm the sudden warmth in her heart.

Looking into her mother's eyes, she smiled and said, "Mom, you said it yourself, I've awakened independently and my talent is there. I can cultivate any type of pet beast."

"I was just saying, I don't really want to contract a Bubbly Bell. But please don't sell the house."

Her mother got up, poured a glass of water, and after a while, she said, "I know you want a Bubbly Bell. You're independent..."  read at ""

Qiao Sang didn't let her finish her sentence; she said earnestly, "I've thought about it all afternoon and evening. I really like the Fire Tooth Dog, and I want it."

Bubbly Bell was a psychic-type pet beast, which naturally was great.

Then there were dragon-type pet beasts, fairy-type pet beasts, ghost-type pet beasts, all of which were great.

But Qiao Sang just felt they were rare and powerful, and she didn't necessarily have to possess them.

It was like how some people liked daydreaming, wanting a mythical beast right from the start..

Having a pet beast that was truly hers and within her abilities—this was what she wanted.


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