Chapter 36: She Doesn't Sleep (Part 1)

Xie Jingshan woke up from a nap, removed the book from his face, wiped off the drool from the corner of his mouth, and stretched his arms to loosen his muscles.

Groggily opening his eyes, he saw the two who had just fought huddled together, discussing books and doctrines intimately.

Xie Jingshan blinked in confusion. How long had he been asleep? What happened while he was sleeping? Wait a minute! Why did he fall asleep?!

Rubbing his head, Xie Jingshan saw that Lu Nanzhi was humbly seeking advice, and Jiang Yuebai was explaining things confidently. An alarm bell rang in his mind, as if he had been left far behind while taking just a short nap.

No, Xie Jingshan couldn't fall behind!

He cleared his throat, walked closer with the book in hand, and interrupted the two.

"I've just gone through this book and there are a few parts I don't understand. Could you help me take a look?"

Lu Nanzhi remained expressionless, while Jiang Yuebai narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

With a forced smile, Xie Jingshan pointed to a line of text in the book.

Lu Nanzhi glanced at it, furrowing her brows in thought, and Jiang Yuebai glanced down with a casual sweep. "For this passage, compare it with the third sentence on the seventeenth page, and you'll naturally understand."

"The seventeenth page... Let me see..." Xie Jingshan flipped through the pages, "Hmm... I see... Wait a minute! How did you instantly know what the third sentence on the seventeenth page is?"

Jiang Yuebai smiled politely, "I've already memorized this book."

Xie Jingshan felt like he had been struck by lightning, and Lu Nanzhi's eyes held admiration.

"You haven't even finished reading the book once, so don't disturb me and Senior Sister Lu."

Jiang Yuebai chased him away and continued discussing the evolution of ancient spells with Lu Nanzhi.

"Senior Sister Lu, if we say that the reason verbal spells are less effective than hand seals nowadays is because the amount of spiritual energy is lower than in ancient times, I find it hard to believe. Could it be that the changes in the world's spiritual energy and the more comprehensive rules of the heavens and earth have led to a more detailed classification of spells? Therefore, a more accurate way to manipulate corresponding spiritual energies is required..."

Xie Jingshan, disoriented, sat down in the midst of the overgrown weeds, the chilly wind passing through, making him shiver to the core. He wanted to surpass Jiang Yuebai not only in cultivation, but also in memorization!

Xie Jingshan would not accept defeat. So what if it was memorization? He would memorize it, even if it killed him!

However, not long after, he realized he was being a bit too gung-ho!

"Jiang Yuebai, why are you cutting these dead trees?"

"I'm making a short table to practice writing."

With his revised practice plan, he had added calligraphy! And now, carpentry too!

"Jiang Yuebai, you're practicing calligraphy, so why are you cutting parchment for talismans?!"

"Don't disturb me. I'm learning how to make talismans."

With his practice plan further changed, he was now trying to master the Six Arts of Cultivation! Everything!

"Jiang Yuebai, don't you ever rest?"

"I usually cultivate during the day and have gotten used to staying up late. I'm going over there to practice sword techniques and spells."

He adjusted his practice plan again, focusing on honing his martial and spellcasting skills!

"Jiang Yuebai, aren't you done yet? Even Lu Nanzhi can't handle it and has gone to sleep. Why are you still so energetic?"

"Sleeping wastes too much time. You sleep, and I'll read 'Collection of Five Flavors' to keep watch."

"If you're not sleeping, how can I dare to sleep?!"

Xie Jingshan used to think that Lu Nanzhi was the most diligent person he had ever seen, until he met Jiang Yuebai and realized that Lu Nanzhi was nothing.

At the very least, Lu Nanzhi knew how to sleep, but Jiang Yuebai didn't sleep at all!

Not only did she not sleep, but she also treated writing and making talismans as a way to rest her body and practicing spells and martial techniques as a way to rest her mind, alternating between the two.

He asked if being so tightly wound was good for Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai said she wasn't tightly wound. Every day, she devoted half an hour to reading "Collection of Five Flavors" to relax.

Reading to relax... Xie Jingshan covered his chest, feeling powerless.

Taking a deep breath, he resisted as much as he could until midnight. Finally unable to hold on, he collapsed onto the short table he had crafted himself, uneven and uncomfortable, tears of bitterness mixing with drool as he fell asleep.

The chilly wind blew, piercing to the bone.

Jiang Yuebai took out the bedding she always carried from her storage pouch, covered Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan, then continued to lean against the wind-blocking rock, holding a Night Pearl to read.

Strangely enough, ever since she had cultivated the "Five Elements Return to True," her spirit had become more invigorated.

Previously, when she had stayed up for two days and nights with her grandfather in the spiritual field, as long as she circulated the spiritual energy within her body twice, her fatigue would be instantly eliminated.

Based on this alone, Jiang Yuebai was very eager to find the complete "Five Elements Return to True Technique."

Shifting her attention back to the book, Jiang Yuebai was currently reading about the Five Flavors Mountain Hermit collecting treasures of heaven and earth to refine her own Nascent Soul-empowered magical treasure.


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