Chapter 41: Hidden Dragons and Crouching Tigers (Part 1)

Jiang Yuebai and Lu Nanzhi didn't have time to speak. They fled together amidst the earthquake.

Using all their strength, they rushed out of the cave, tumbling down onto a slope. Suddenly, they witnessed mountains collapsing and the earth splitting.

The waterway leading to Huaxi Valley collapsed, blocked by enormous boulders. Behind them, a chilling wind, like blades, was closing in, along with the wailing and howling of a hundred thousand tormented souls.

"We're done for; the only way out is through this ten-mile slope," Jiang Yuebai lamented.

"No worries, we'll fly out," Lu Nanzhi said.

From her storage pouch, Lu Nanzhi retrieved a piece of willow leaf. It extended and transformed into a small floating boat in mid-air. She stepped onto it with a jade talisman in hand and turned back.

Jiang Yuebai climbed up from the ground and held Lu Nanzhi's hand, boarding the willow leaf boat.

As the boat flew in mid-air, a fierce wind howled, and with a resounding crash, the Yin Wind Gorge partially collapsed.

Dust filled the air, and countless ghostly lanterns emerged from nowhere, gathering into a dragon and charging wildly toward the willow leaf boat.

"Hold on tight," Lu Nanzhi shouted. She controlled the willow leaf boat, dodging left and right, attempting to escape the deadly pursuit.

Looking back, Jiang Yuebai saw the mountains splitting open on both sides, and a silver-armored skeletal general, accompanied by rolling black mist, crawled out from a blood pond hell.

The sky darkened, and he looked up angrily.

The frost rapidly covered the willow leaf beneath their feet, and as it spread, it shattered.

In mid-air, Lu Nanzhi used her sleeves to manipulate the water, carrying them down to lessen the impact.

"Lin Jingyue, I'll kill you!" The skeletal general roared to the sky as the black mist surged like a tide, and a hundred thousand tormented souls rose into the air.

Above the Tianyan Sect, a golden light barrier suddenly appeared, suppressing the tormented souls, shining brilliantly.

"It's the Sect's protective formation. We just need to hold on for a moment, and the Sect Master will surely arrive," Lu Nanzhi said.

The ghostly lanterns, possessed by tormented souls, dragged long tails of black mist as they screeched and charged toward them. Lu Nanzhi used her water manipulation to shield herself and Jiang Yuebai.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh! Countless ghostly lanterns shot at them like arrows, piercing the water shield.

The water was soft, and Lu Nanzhi couldn't resist it. Several ghostly lanterns pierced the shield, but Jiang Yuebai managed to eliminate them with her Edge Sharpness Formula.

The ghostly lanterns were fierce, and Jiang Yuebai continuously used her Edge Sharpness Formula. In this life-threatening situation, the bottleneck in her skill loosened. Her finger techniques, once awkward, now flowed like running water, and she became faster and faster.

Even so, she couldn't resist the endless stream of ghostly lanterns. Their claws tore at flesh and pierced her soul, constantly eroding her mind.

Lu Nanzhi had nearly exhausted all her spiritual energy, struggling to maintain the water shield. Surprisingly, Jiang Yuebai was still casting spells with ease, even under such duress. Her abundant spiritual energy astonished Lu Nanzhi.

Besides that, Lu Nanzhi noticed something incredible. Jiang Yuebai's body was incredibly sturdy. Whenever the ghostly lanterns attacked, Jiang Yuebai only had shallow red marks, while Lu Nanzhi, who had been struck several times, had bleeding cuts on her body.

Lu Nanzhi was at the fourth level of Qi cultivation, while Jiang Yuebai was at the third level. How could she be so much stronger?

"Don't space out, Lu Nanzhi!" With the situation becoming dire, Jiang Yuebai's thoughts raced, and her spiritual light flickered.

In her mental sea, three snowflakes dissipated. Jiang Yuebai infused her ice attribute spiritual power into the water shield, extending her hands into the water and stirring it with her fingers. This created concentric circles of green light in the water.

When the first strand of ice spiritual power appeared, the entire water shield trembled, causing Lu Nanzhi's soul and body to shiver as well.

Like a fire meeting oil, the ice spiritual power rapidly spread from Jiang Yuebai's fingertips, producing the sound of ice crystals colliding. It transformed the entire water shield into an ice wall.

The ghostly lanterns struck the ice wall and burst into pieces, utterly indestructible.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuebai relaxed slightly, but when she turned, she saw Lu Nanzhi's hands frozen in the ice wall, her eyes filled with astonishment.

She had already stopped, but the ice wall continued to expand outward.

Unbeknownst to her, an incredible change was occurring inside Lu Nanzhi's body.

A tiny ice crystal spontaneously appeared and took root in her dantian.


The ice wall suddenly shattered, and Jiang Yuebai pushed the dazed Lu Nanzhi, who fell back, hitting the mountain wall heavily and coughing up blood.

"Xiao Bai!" Lu Nanzhi fell into the muddy ground, looking anxiously at Jiang Yuebai.

"I'm fine," Jiang Yuebai struggled to get up.

At this moment, the skeletal general in the distance was coldly watching the two of them.

The black mist turned into a spear, on the brink of striking.

"Bold evil spirits! How dare you cause trouble within my Tianyan Sect! Don't you know that I, True Lord Canghuo, have a fiery temper?"

His thunderous voice echoed like an explosion. Jiang Yuebai looked up and saw a stout cultivator in a crimson robe riding a wave of fire as he approached.

Flames engulfed the sky, and his imposing presence was awe-inspiring. The ashes of the tormented souls scattered.


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