Chapter 45: Farming Maniac (Part 1)

The matter at Yin Wind Gorge spread throughout the Tianyan Sect in just a few days, becoming the hottest topic aside from the year-end junior examination.

Others didn't know the inside story, only that because of this, Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan had both shown remarkable talent.

According to the rules of the Tianyan Sect, inner disciples couldn't accept the guidance of the Nascent Soul True Immortal until they reached the later stages of Qi refining. This rule was in place to allow them to gain more experience in the great cauldron of cultivation.

However, this didn't prevent Nascent Soul True Immortals from choosing their future disciples. After a fierce competition, both Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan became the designated disciples of Sword Sovereign Guanghan.

They only needed to reach the later stages of Qi refining before the formal initiation ceremony.

Jiang Yuebai didn't have time to pay attention to the turmoil within the inner sect. After listening to Shi Xiaowu's report, she felt happy for Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan but also a tinge of envy. She continued to work diligently in the spiritual field.

Sword Sovereign Guanghan, with the power of Nascent Soul stage, was second only to Fuyi True Immortal, whose disciple she aimed at becoming. Tianyan Sect held a small competition every five years and a major competition every ten years. If she could secure first place in the next small competition, she would have the opportunity to choose a Nascent Soul True Immortal as her master. That was her goal and chance.

Her grandfather had not been in good health lately. His complexion was extremely poor around noon, and he needed to rest for two hours.

After returning from Southern Valley Marketplace for several days, the spiritual field was still barren, so Jiang Yuebai took charge of all twenty acres.

After working in the spiritual field for three days, Jiang Yuebai had used up all her spiritual energy and relied on the Vibrating Spirit Hoe.

Fortunately, there was the Vibrating Spirit Hoe, a tool that could replace the Earthquake Technique. It could evenly shake the spiritual energy within the soil, ensuring the seeds absorbed enough spiritual energy and took root smoothly.

Due to the existence of the Vibrating Spirit Hoe, few Spirit Farmers bothered to practice the Earthquake Technique. Even though the Earthquake Technique was more effective and had the added benefit of replenishing spiritual energy to the soil, few people wasted their time on it.

Jiang Yuebai worked tirelessly for three days, relying on the Vibrating Spirit Hoe whenever her spiritual energy was depleted.

[Earthquake Technique (Second Level: 105/1000)]

At this moment, the Earthquake Technique had reached the third breakthrough. Next, she would need to add water to the spiritual field to create a paddy field, and there was hope for the Cloud and Rain Technique to reach the second level.

Jiang Yuebai left one acre of land for herself to plant thorny seeds. After resting, she rolled up her sleeves, stood in the center of the spiritual field, and began to cast the Cloud and Rain Technique.

Not far away, under an old locust tree, Shi Xiaowu was playing with a red rope and occasionally glanced at Jiang Yuebai.

"Kid, what are you doing?" A shadow cast over, and Shi Xiaowu looked up to see his master, Guo Zhen.

He chuckled, "I'm learning how to cast spells from Senior Jiang."

Guo Zhen looked at the field where misty rain was falling. "What is she doing? Isn't it unnecessary to use the Cloud and Rain Technique so many times just to water the field? She's cast it more than twenty times and still hasn't stopped?"

Shi Xiaowu muttered, "Senior Jiang said she wants to plant water caltrops. Maybe she wants to use the Cloud and Rain Technique to turn the spiritual field into a paddy field."

Guo Zhen's eyes twitched, and he frowned. "Is she crazy? Just for planting a spiritual beast feed, all she needs to do is divert a stream. Why use the Cloud and Rain Technique thousands of times?"

Shi Xiaowu didn't say anything, and Guo Zhen sighed.

"Well, when spring comes and we plant rice, we'll use the Cloud and Rain Technique for the paddy fields."

"Okay, Master."

"I mean, I want you to use the Cloud and Rain Technique to water the fields. If you can't do it, I'll skin you alive."

"What?!" Shi Xiaowu's eyebrows knitted, and he looked miserable.

Guo Zhen took the red rope from Shi Xiaowu's hand, and Shi Xiaowu reluctantly began practicing the Cloud and Rain Technique.

After a few days, Shi Xiaowu noticed that Jiang Yuebai never returned home. She stayed in the field and, even after depleting her spiritual energy, would sit under the old locust tree and use a spiritual stone, her brow furrowed as if she were doing something crucial.

After breaking several spiritual stones, Jiang Yuebai gritted her teeth and returned to the field to continue casting the Cloud and Rain Technique.

It took her a full ten days to turn nineteen acres of the field into a paddy field and plant the water caltrop seeds.

As soon as the seeds touched the water, they began to take root and sprout, growing three inches tall in less than a day. The leaves were a vibrant green, full of vitality, even surpassing the spiritual herbs in the valley.

Shi Xiaowu thought that would be the end of it, but to his surprise, Jiang Yuebai still didn't go home. She sat in the one-acre field she had set aside, planting thorny seeds day after day, seemingly tireless.

Day after day, without showing any signs of fatigue.

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