Chapter 5: The Beast Taming Manual

Mom, your strong and independent woman facade just crumbled, huh?

She turned her head back to the Fire Tooth Dogs, and her focus shifted back to them.

Qiao Sang noticed that the Fire Tooth Dogs were active, full of energy, and not a single one was sitting quietly.

There must be a reason why new beast tamers prefer creatures like Little Fat Dove...

She couldn't help but ask, "Do you have any Fire Tooth Dogs that are more calm in temperament?"

The staff member replied tactfully, "Actually, we have many other types of pets in our facility."

Qiao Sang got the hint.

After all, even though she lacked beast taming experience, she didn't believe she would be as helpless as a 15-year-old when dealing with a pet with an unruly temperament.

Since that was the case, she might as well ignore the temperament and just choose a Fire Tooth Dog that caught her eye.

"Can I take a look at that one?"

Qiao Sang noticed that the Fire Tooth Dog had been ramming into a tree, but not in a reckless way. It seemed to be charging purposefully.

She felt that its target wasn't the tree, but itself.

After all, who would mindlessly ram into a tree?

"Of course," the staff member answered.

"Tweet tweet!" She picked up the iron whistle hanging from her chest and produced a sharp sound.

All the Fire Tooth Dogs stopped their movements and their gazes converged, no longer causing trouble.

A few Fire Tooth Dogs tilted their heads.


Is it mealtime?

Without the hindrance of flames, the staff member walked into the Fire Tooth Dog enclosure and picked up the selected Fire Tooth Dog.


The Fire Tooth Dog blinked its bewildered eyes, its fiery ears wiggling.

The Fire Tooth Dog was placed in front of Qiao Sang.

The Fire Tooth Dog was a small breed of canine pet, with fiery red fur adorned with a few black stripes. It had a tuft of orange hair on top of its head.

The Fire Tooth Dog in front of her was about 60 centimeters tall, noticeably smaller than the other Fire Tooth Dogs, and it had a fresh injury on its forehead from its collision with the tree. Its black irises were moist as they gazed at her, evoking an impulse to reach out and touch them.

It didn't look as aggressive as the other Fire Tooth Dogs, instead giving off a somewhat pitiable vibe.

In her mind, Qiao Sang automatically imagined the bitter history of a small Fire Tooth Dog being ostracized, having its food stolen, and eventually pushing itself through rigorous training.

Its collision with the tree just now was definitely an attempt at practicing some kind of special technique, like a Flame Charge.

The staff member introduced, "This Fire Tooth Dog is currently the youngest one in this area of our facility, having been born less than a month ago."

So, it wasn't weak; it was just young...

However, being young was actually a good thing. Many beast tamers chose to bond with their pets when they were still eggs because such nurturing often led to strong emotional connections and understandings.

Qiao Sang had briefly considered buying a young pet egg before, but she quickly dismissed the idea.

After all, she was still attending school. Carrying an egg to school would be too attention-grabbing and unsafe.

If left at home, her mother would be at work and there wouldn't be anyone to take care of it, which wasn't reassuring.

Qiao Sang crouched down and extended her hand to stroke the Fire Tooth Dog's head.

The Fire Tooth Dog closed its eyes contentedly, and its fiery red tail swayed unconsciously.

It seemed quite obedient.

Qiao Sang felt the soft fur in her hand and grew even more satisfied.

She locked eyes with the Fire Tooth Dog and smiled, "Would you like to come with me?"

The staff member's expression seemed a bit odd. This Fire Tooth Dog had a rather bad temperament. It was bold due to its young age and didn't hesitate to pick fights with other Fire Tooth Dogs. The older Fire Tooth Dogs didn't mind because they could see that it was just a newborn and didn't even have the Spark skill yet. Its paws were still clumsy, so its fights were more like playful tussles. Sometimes, they would even play along, pretending to be defeated, which only bolstered its arrogance.

As a professional staff member, she had an eye for discerning what type of pet the customer wanted and what their requirements were. It was clear that this girl was looking for a Fire Tooth Dog with a quieter temperament.

Should she give her a warning?

But the truth was, this facility didn't have any well-behaved Fire Tooth Dogs.

She thought about the commission she would earn from selling a Fire Tooth Dog and then thought about her son's school district house. In the end, she chose not to say anything.

"Ready to go?"

The Fire Tooth Dog naturally understood what was happening.


Do you want to go?

Of course, it wanted to go. There were no worthy opponents left here, and the human's touch felt so comfortable...

It seemed like the time had come to find new opponents outside!


The Fire Tooth Dog solemnly nodded, extending its fleshy paw.

Qiao Sang blinked, then reached out and shook its paw.

This went much more smoothly than she had imagined...

And just like that, an agreement was reached between a human and a ethereal beast.


The establishment of a contract between a human and a ethereal beast was facilitated by the Beast Taming Manual.

The Beast Taming Manual acted as a medium, tightly connecting the relationship between the two parties. Generally, a successful contract required the mutual consent of both parties.

However, a contract could also be established by taking advantage of a weakened ethereal beast after it had been defeated, catching it off guard.

The latter method had many drawbacks; without sufficient affinity, the pet would easily be disobedient. Only high-level beast tamers weren't concerned about this.

As long as a beast tamer's brain domain was developed enough and their Beast Taming Manual was strong, the contract couldn't be severed even if the pet inflicted harm on itself.

At this moment, Qiao Sang was consciously connected to her own brain domain.

Her Beast Taming Manual within her brain domain was calm and motionless. Although it was called a Beast Taming Manual, it was actually as thin as an envelope, containing just a blank page.

Qiao Sang had read in books that when a Beast Taming Manual first awakened, it would be white in color, and there would only be one contract space inside.

When the brain domain's development reached 10%, the Beast Taming Manual would awaken and turn gray. At that point, the contract space could expand to two pages.

Using the gestures she remembered from the book, Qiao Sang formed a seal in front of her.

Soon, her Beast Taming Manual activated in her brain domain, slowly flipping open to its single page.

A white light gathered from all directions above the Fire Tooth Dog's head, gradually forming a small circular star formation.

Actually, there was a simple way to discern a beast tamer's level—whether they were establishing a contract or summoning a pet, just observe the light appearing around the pet.

It was similar to the Beast Taming Manual; the color it emitted was the same color as the star formation that appeared when summoning a pet.

However, this was only a reference. Generally, even if a beast tamer's Beast Taming Manual awakened again, they wouldn't pass the beast tamer level assessment of the Beast Taming League if they didn't have pets with corresponding strength.

The star formation's light covered the Fire Tooth Dog's head. It looked up at the star formation with curiosity, not resisting.


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