Chapter 47: Wild Geese Delivering Letters (Part 2)

 [To Senior Sister Nanzhi:

Senior Sister's insights have enlightened me, and I dare not offer guidance. I'm simply grateful for Senior Sister's sharing and wish to reciprocate by sharing my own realizations.

Using the Grass and Wood Technique to transform spiritual energy into ice, I faced a challenge due to lacking the ice spiritual root. The spiritual energy dispersed rapidly without a suitable storage medium. Senior Sister's method of condensing ice essence in the dantian is not applicable to my five-element spiritual root.

Therefore, I beseeched Grandfather to exchange a technique for me—an Ice Arrow Art. With the completion of the Grass and Wood Technique, the hand seals transform into those of the Ice Arrow Art, consuming ice spiritual energy. After several attempts, I finally succeeded and had some ingenious thoughts.

Imagine during a duel, the opponent expects me to use the Grass and Wood Technique, but in the end, they are struck by ice arrows. How would they feel?

This method might be applicable to other spells, such as following the Earthquake Technique with the Edge Sharpness Formula. By predicting the opponent's evasion when avoiding the ground cracks, it would be precise and effective.

Illusory and unpredictable, surely interesting.

The only issue is the prolonged activation time when combining two spells. I must practice diligently to accelerate the hand seals constantly. Is there a way to simplify this?

Unfortunately, Elder Li is in seclusion, and I have no one to consult.

Today, my mood is exceptionally good. I felt a breakthrough in my cultivation and finally entered the fourth layer of Qi Cultivation. Grandfather asked me to thank Senior Sister Lu for her guidance. Only now do I realize it; Senior Sister Lu cleverly diverted my attention. I express my gratitude to Yuebai.

Today marks the beginning of spring, and I regret not being able to see Senior Sister. I will definitely make some spring pancakes for her in the future.

Thank you again, Senior Sister. Awaiting your reply.


Yuebai ]

[To Senior Sister Nanzhi:

It has been over a month since I sent the last letter, and not receiving a reply from Senior Sister worries me.

Grandfather is unwell and unable to go out. As a mere outer disciple, I cannot enter the inner sect's area. If Senior Sister receives this letter, please reply quickly to ease my concerns.

Today, there's both joy and sorrow.

The joyous news is that Hong Tao, the manager of the Internal Affairs Hall who has shown kindness to me, successfully built his foundation. I shared this with Grandfather, and he was moved, thinking that resolving the issue of lifespan would lead to a successful foundation building next time.

The sorrowful news is witnessing a conflict between two miscellaneous disciples and an outer sect disciple today. The outer sect disciple wielded a powerful magic tool and severely injured the two miscellaneous disciples, causing one death and one injury.

While such incidents are common, these two miscellaneous disciples harbored ill intentions due to greed, and the outer sect disciple retaliated upon discovering this.

The Disciplinary Hall sentenced the outer sect disciple to face the wall for six months. After treating the severely injured miscellaneous disciple, he was expelled from the sect. He had already started a family within the sect, with a wife and child, who were also expelled.

Right and wrong are crystal clear, but everyone only cares about spiritual roots. They say the outer sect disciple has three spiritual roots, so the sect naturally wants to keep him. The two miscellaneous disciples have only five spiritual roots, and they have no future, so it's their deserved fate to be expelled.

Most people discussing this matter are miscellaneous disciples who sympathize with the weaker party, unjustly accusing the stronger one, without considering what the weaker party did. They claim the outer sect disciple was too aggressive, accusing the Disciplinary Hall of biased judgment.

Some people express unfounded resentment, others accept their fate without considering right or wrong.

Senior Sister, don't be offended. I don't even know what I'm saying; I just feel a sense of frustration.

Although it's distressing, it helps me understand why Grandfather didn't confront Jia Wei. I used to think Grandfather was weak, but in the end, he might have been doing it for me.

Fearing that something might happen to him, and I would be affected, but he never considered that I'm not afraid of being affected, and I only wish for him to live comfortably.

I've complained too much; I hope Senior Sister forgives me. Please reply quickly to ease my mind.



[To My Dear Sister Yuebai:

I apologize for not being able to reply sooner.

My spiritual body encountered problems, and I inadvertently fell into demonic cultivation. Fortunately, the Elder stepped in to rescue me, helping me overcome this crisis.

I advise you to relax in your cultivation, while I, in my eagerness for progress, attempted to transform my spiritual body and nearly severed my immortal path.

Now my spiritual body is like fragmented ice in water, impure. The Elder is extremely pleased.

This matter reached the Lu Clan, and the clan leader was furious, instructing me to return to investigate.

It might take a few months, so I bid farewell in advance.

Don't worry; this might be a turning point for me. If everything goes well, I may be able to withdraw from the marriage arrangement, gaining my freedom.

Regarding what you mentioned, I find it hard to comprehend.

When I return, let's brew some tea by the red furnace and have a long conversation.

Also, Jingshan sent a message. The Longevity Pill has been obtained. We'll meet at the entrance of Huaxi Valley tomorrow at noon. Don't forget!

This letter is short but heartfelt. Take care, my sister.

Respectfully, Nanzhi.]


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