Chapter 35: Facing the Wall to Understand the Southern Branch (Part 1)

TL note : "面壁识南枝" (miànbì shí nánzhī), Literally translated, means "facing the wall to recognize the southern branch." . It refers to the act of reflecting on one's mistakes. The "southern branch" in the idiom is often understood to represent one's true self, inner qualities, or essence

In the Yin Wind Gorge, darkness enveloped the land, and a bone-chilling cold wind cut through the air.

Amongst the overgrown weeds and the eerie cries of crows, strange rocks stood tall.

Jiang Yuebai glared angrily at the emotionless Lu Nanzhi, who exuded a cold aura.

Beside them, Xie Jingshan squatted and scratched his head, "You two were fighting, and I was just passing by to watch the show. Why am I being punished to face the wall with you for seven days? This is so unfair!"

Lu Nanzhi adjusted her clothes and nodded, bowing his head, "I apologize for involving you."

Turning her gaze to Jiang Yuebai again, she said, "If you had just told me the technique for the Water-Born Ice, I wouldn't have attacked you out of desperation."

"Why should I tell you if you ask? Can't I decide not to share when I'm in a bad mood? And you also delayed me from attending the talisman Class. Don't you think an apology is in order?"

Lu Nanzhi took a deep breath and bowed to Jiang Yuebai, "I'm sorry, I was wrong today."

Her sincerity only fueled Jiang Yuebai's frustration, leaving her with no outlet for her anger. She sat down, hugging her arms to ward off the cold.

"What's even more infuriating is Elder Li. Yesterday, he was talking and laughing with me, but today, he punished me without any mercy!"

Xie Jingshan complained, "That's right. There are so many senior uncles and elders in the Hall of Teaching, but he's the one who enjoys making people face the wall in Yin Wind Gorge the most. I'm already here for the second time!"

Lu Nanzhi's cold and good-looking face remained indifferent. At this moment, she also lowered her eyelids slightly, acknowledging the sentiment.

The three of them were left on the outskirts of the Yin Wind Gorge by the law enforcement disciples. These disciples weren't worried about them wandering around since the inner part of the gorge was dominated by fierce Yin Wind. Except for the entrance they had used, there was nowhere else for them to go.

The raging wind howled. Xie Jingshan found the straw cushion he had used last time and obediently sat down, rubbing his hands together.

"Both of you, stop standing and find a sheltered spot to sit. We've got seven days to endure."

Jiang Yuebai raised an eyebrow, "It seems like you're quite happy about this?"

Xie Jingshan didn't hide his feelings, hands in his pockets, he replied, "Of course. Last time, I was bored out of my mind here all alone, constantly worrying that someone might practice in secret and surpass me while I'm being punished. But now, I can rest easy. No one can practice here, haha."

Currently, Lu Nanzhi was at the 4th layer of Qi Refining, Jiang Yuebai was at the 3rd layer, and after seclusion, Xie Jingshan had just reached the 3rd layer of Qi Refining.

The Yin energy was frigid, making it impossible to circulate Qi for cultivation.

Lu Nanzhi leaned against a peculiar rock, appearing listless and lifeless.

At this moment, Jiang Yuebai was only worried about her grandfather. When she had been escorted here, she had asked another disciple who was also in Huaxi Valley to pass on a message to her grandfather.

In fact, being punished like this had its advantages, allowing her to avoid Jia Wei and prevent her grandfather from worrying about potential retaliation from him.

However, she hadn't noticed Jia Wei following her when she left the valley today. Perhaps her weight was insignificant in his eyes, and he simply didn't care.

After calming herself, Jiang Yuebai took out the book given to her by Li Jiuchuan from her storage pouch. Amid the wailing wind, she began reading.

When they arrived, the law enforcement disciples had inspected their storage pouches and confiscated the pills and talismans that Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan had prepared to counter hunger and cold. Jiang Yuebai had nothing on her, so nothing was taken from her.

Not far away, Xie Jingshan, holding a tuft of dry grass, was preparing to find a more comfortable position to doze off. Suddenly, he saw Jiang Yuebai take out a book. His eyes widened in astonishment.

"What are you doing, Jiang Yuebai!"

Jiang Yuebai raised an eyebrow, "Reading a book. What's wrong?"

"Who gave you permission to read a book!"

Jiang Yuebai rolled her eyes, continued to bury herself in her reading, and simultaneously practiced finger gestures.

Her slender fingers moved like swords and knives, poking relentlessly at Xie Jingshan's fragile little heart, hitting the bull's eye with each touch.

Lu Nanzhi observed for a moment, then took out the book "Five Elements Rotational Method" from her storage pouch. She read it silently without any expression on her face.

Xie Jingshan felt his heart race, his hand tingling, and his palms becoming sweaty. Spitting out the dry grass from his mouth with resentment, he clenched his teeth and retrieved a book from his storage pouch to read.

The chilling wind howled, and an undercurrent surged.

Jiang Yuebai hadn't considered how to integrate the Ice Spiritual Qi into her techniques yet. The Three Wonders attributes were too distant for her. Her first priority was to understand the Way of the Five Elements.

At present, she needed to practice the Metal Spiritual Qi's conversion technique for the Cloud and Rain Technique. Li Jiuchuan's book contained the historical evolution of cultivation techniques from ancient times to the present day, which she could use for reference.

In ancient times, Qi Refiners didn't require hand gestures to cast spells. They could simply will it, and the Dao would respond, allowing even low-level cultivators to manipulate the elements with spoken incantations.

However, in the current age, Cultivators below Golden Core cultivators heavily relied on hand gestures to manipulate their spiritual energy, making the process significantly more complex.

As she pondered, Lu Nanzhi suddenly sat down next to Jiang Yuebai and handed her book to her.

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