Chapter 13: Someone's Looking for You

"By the way, Big Thigh..." Fang Sisi wanted to say something.

Note: Big Thigh means someone powerful, who can act as a protector (Or someone yo can leech off too)

"Can you not call me Big Thigh?" Qiao Sang interrupted her directly.

"Then how about I call you Beautiful Legs?" Fang Sisi suggested.

Qiao Sang: "..."

Under Qiao Sang's deathly gaze, Fang Sisi finally changed her tone. "Qiao Sang, have you already contracted a spirit beast?"

No newly awakened Beast Tamers could resist the temptation to immediately contract a spirit beast.

Qiao Sang nodded, not denying it.

"Then you..."

Fang Sisi was about to continue her question, but the voices in the classroom suddenly seemed to be muted.

Looking up, she realized that the teacher had arrived...

In the next second, Fang Sisi turned pale.

Oh no, she hadn't finished copying her homework yet!

"Meet at the playground in five minutes," the teacher announced, glancing in Qiao Sang's direction after finishing the sentence.

With over 4,000 students and more than 300 teachers at Wencheng middle school, they were all gathered on the playground, creating a dense crowd.

"Why is the whole school here?" Fang Sisi poked Qiao Sang with her finger from behind.

"I don't know," Qiao Sang replied.

During the final sprint of the ninth grade, they usually didn't have morning assembly together with the first and second years. Even if the school called for assembly, there were always one or two exceptions.

Qiao Sang looked up at the stage and noticed that, including the principal, vice-principal, and head teacher, all the top school officials were present. It was an unusually grand scene for the morning assembly.

Principal Chen Yongfeng stood on the stage, delivering the same old words he always did at these assemblies. Every time he spoke at the morning assembly, he said the same few things without any novelty.

Qiao Sang felt utterly bored, and she didn't pay attention to whatever was being said on the stage.

After about ten minutes, a deafening applause rang out, and Qiao Sang instinctively joined in clapping.

A petite figure walked from the third-year section to the stage.

"Respected teachers, dear classmates, hello, I am Dai Shushu from Class Nine of the ninth grade. I am honored..."

Qiao Sang had never interacted with Dai Shushu personally, but she had heard plenty of discussions from others. She knew a thing or two about her.

Dai Shushu came from a poor family and was the only one receiving the school's financial aid. She ranked first in the grade for all three years of middle school, and later, as a self-awakened Beast Tamer, she got recommended to Beast Tamer High School, becoming a typical inspirational representative.

"What's the use of being recommended? With her family's situation, can they afford to buy spirit beasts?" a boy standing on the right side quipped.

"Her parents aren't even Beast Tamers. Who knows how they gave birth to a self-awakened Beast Tamer?" someone else commented.

Qiao Sang was somewhat surprised. With the development of Beast Tamer society, humans had long realized that the likelihood of giving birth to a Beast Tamer was greater when two Beast Tamers combined.

The higher the rank of the Beast Tamer, the greater the chance of giving birth to a talented child.

Conversely, if both parents were normal people, the probability of their child becoming a Beast Tamer was only 2%.

Speaking of normal people giving birth to a Beast Tamer, there was still a tiny chance. However, the probability of a self-awakened individual emerging was almost negligible.

Qiao Sang became intrigued and pricked up her ears to listen to the speech.

"This time, being recommended to Shengshui High School wasn't only due to my personal efforts but also because of the teachers..."

Qiao Sang's eyelashes quivered.

All three of them had self-awakened, and now Shengshui High School was thrown into the mix. It was hard for Qiao Sang not to compare herself with Dai Shushu.

In this comparison, she felt disheartened. Listening to the rest of the speech also dampened her spirits.

Back in the classroom, Qiao Sang's full attention was on her books.

As a middle school student approaching the high school entrance exam, they had already covered the syllabus and were mainly reviewing and doing practice papers.

[Over 3,000 years ago, disaster struck from the sky, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and other super-catastrophes plunged the world into an atmosphere of doomsday. Which Beast Tamer prevented this catastrophe?]

[A. Chen Jiading]

[B. Sen Xiaoman]

[C. Wang Wenyu]

[D. Wang Yao]

Qiao Sang had come across a lot of questions about history in the past few days. The turmoil over 3,000 years ago wasn't a natural disaster but a man-made one.

It was Wang Yao who had caused the catastrophe using his spirit beast. As an SS-rank Beast Tamer, he possessed the ability to manipulate nature.

As the number of times a Beast Tamer's Domain awoke increased, when a Beast Tamer reached the

As the rank increases, the nurturing becomes stronger.

Unless directly attacked, it's difficult to be harmed in the aftermath.

Wang Yao, relying on his SS-rank Beast Tamer physique, managed to break through the encirclement in the League's siege, killing 223 Beast Tamers in return, including 11 S-rank Beast Tamers.

An S-rank Beast Tamer takes at least a century of effort to reach their level. The League suffered heavy losses.

Later, SS-rank Beast Tamer Wang Wenyu, returning from the Flame Heaven Star, finally subdued Wang Yao. However, in that battle, five of his companion spirit beasts died.

After that, Wang Wenyu vanished from the world.

This question is easy to get wrong if you don't read it carefully; people often pick D.

This question was in the last mock exam. Qiao Sang didn't pick D due to misreading it but because of a mix of long and short answers.

She looked at the question and changed her answer from last time.

"Qiao Sang, someone's looking for you," a girl sitting by the door called out.

Qiao Sang raised her head and saw a girl in a washed-out school uniform smiling at her from the doorway.

"It's Dai Shushu, huh? When did you get to know her?" Fang Sisi asked in surprise.

Dai Shushu was a prominent figure in the school, naturally attracting the attention of her classmates. Heads turned one by one to look.

"I don't know her." Qiao Sang was equally puzzled.

She walked out.

"What does she want with me?" Qiao Sang looked bewildered.

She was certain that her predecessor had no interactions with Dai Shushu. One was a top student and the other was the bottom of the class. They were even in different classes. Graduation was near, and Qiao Sang couldn't figure out why she would be approached.

"Sorry for what happened last time, on behalf of my mom," Dai Shushu said.

With her delicate and fair appearance, coupled with her weak frame due to malnutrition, she seemed like a gust of wind could blow her away.

"What happened?" Qiao Sang raised an eyebrow.

"My mom didn't tell you? Last Friday, she said some unpleasant things to your mom. There were teachers around, and I couldn't interject. How's your mom doing since then?" Dai Shushu whispered softly.

Qiao Sang fell silent for a moment, then asked, "What did your mom say?"

Dai Shushu's expression turned apologetic. "It was just some hurtful words. My mom didn't mean it. Your mom said some things too. It's just that when the teachers saw that they were about to fight, they made my mom leave. I feel somewhat guilty."

Qiao Sang's face remained expressionless. "It's not your concern that the teachers made my mom leave."

Dai Shushu adjusted her hair slightly. "If it weren't for me, the teachers wouldn't have made my mom leave."

"I understand," Qiao Sang asked again, "What did your mom say back then?"

Dai Shushu lowered her head. She was already shorter than Qiao Sang by half a head, and when she lowered her head, her expression was hidden.

"My mom said your poor grades were because you didn't have a father to discipline you. She said you had a stroke of luck with your self-awakening and that Auntie was so fierce that it's no wonder she got divorced."

She looked up, seemingly innocent. "So, did you really self-awaken?"


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