Chapter 15: Hoping for a Defeat

But this competition wiil be after the middle school entrance exams, and the registration hasn't even started yet, so she can't participate now.

Other battle training venues, big and small, also have restrictions.

For example, the underground Beast Tamer Black Matches, which are mainly for gambling and entertainment purposes, don't require a specific Beast Tamer level.

These types of matches have a low entry barrier, and even an E-grade Beast Tamer can participate. However, most participants in these underground matches are considered low-tier.

Before the matches, an agreement needs to be signed, and in pet battles, life and death are indifferent.

In legitimate matches, if one side's pet loses its combat ability, a referee will stop the match in time, and there is a dedicated medical team in the background to provide treatment for the pets.

But underground Beast Tamer Black Matches are different. Only when one side's Beast Tamer surrenders will the match be considered over.

People who come to these matches are either ruthless individuals or gamblers.

Some are because their pets have no potential left, so they don't care about their pets' lives. Some are in it for quick money, and some are purely seeking the thrill of violence.

In any case, this is not a place for a middle school student like Qiao Sang.

The Fire Tooth Dog is still too young, and Qiao Sang doesn't plan to expose it to such brutal matches just yet.

Based on Qiao Sang's initial plan, after the middle school exams, she would first work on the speed and stamina of the Fire Tooth Dog. Once the foundational training was complete, she would focus on practicing control over its signature moves.

The "golden finger" could give the Fire Tooth Dog a temporary boost in points through battles. However, if its physical fitness couldn't keep up and it couldn't control its own energy, it wouldn't be able to unleash the combat power of a pet at the same level.

For now, if she wants to make rapid progress, she can't take it slow.

Only battles can quickly enhance the Fire Tooth Dog's combat strength.

Qiao Sang's goal is to engage in battles that stop short of a deadly struggle, not fights to the death.

Apart from formal Beast Tamer matches and underground Beast Tamer Black Matches, there are also training centers, clubs, and exchange events in various regions where pet battles take place.

The training centers open once every six months and specialize in training specific signature moves for Beast Tamers. However, it's not the right time for her to join now.

Clubs require money, and Qiao Sang doesn't have any.

The exchange events are usually attended by those who have already participated in formal matches and have received invitations.

Most people practice pet battles with friends and acquaintances. However, the people Qiao Sang knows haven't even awakened their brain domains, let alone engage in pet battles.

Summing it up, there seems to be no suitable place in the whole Hanggang City for Fire Tooth Dog to have a proper fight.

Does she have to randomly approach someone on the street and say, "I want to battle your pet"? What if she ends up challenging a D-grade or higher Beast Tamer? She wouldn't even know how she'd end up dying.

Walking back and forth on the street, Qiao Sang pondered seriously.

Five minutes later, she headed home with the Fire Tooth Dog in her arms.

Back home, Qiao Sang changed out of her school uniform and into casual clothes. She then wrote a few words on a piece of paper, tore it off, and grabbed a roll of tape before putting it in her pocket.

She then slung her backpack over her shoulders and left.


Next to Hanggang 37th Beast Tamer High School, there was South River Park.

"Hey, student, do you want to have some barbecue?" An aunt at a stall near the park's entrance greeted passersby.

Qiao Sang checked the time—it was 4:27 PM, about an hour before Hanggang 37th Beast Tamer High School would be let out.

"I'll have 10 skewers of lamb." Qiao Sang approached the barbecue stall.

"Do you want it spicy?" The aunt asked, her lips curled in a smile.

"No, thank you." Qiao Sang shook her head.

"Are you a student from this school? I don't think I've seen you before." The aunt kept working while striking up a conversation.

"No, I'm waiting for someone." Qiao Sang answered.

"I see. With such a beautiful girl, I'd definitely remember if I had seen you before." The aunt chuckled.

Qiao Sang politely smiled.

She had often received compliments when she was younger, and while she used to feel embarrassed, she had grown numb to it as she got older.

Five minutes later, Qiao Sang received the skewers of lamb and gave one to the salivating Fire Tooth Dog.

"Yum!" The Fire Tooth Dog cheerfully barked, grabbing the skewer with its paws and immediately digging in.

"What's the name of this pet? I haven't seen it around here before." The aunt couldn't help but ask, her gaze fixed on the Fire Tooth Dog.

There's a huge gap between Beast Tamers and regular people, which divides them into two separate worlds.

Their circumstances after completing nine years of compulsory education are entirely different.

However, despite the elevated status of Beast Tamers in society, regular people are also stratified.

Those with power, without power; those with money, without money; those who ran small businesses, those who worked for others...

These privileges and wealth were predetermined by birth.

If these privileges and wealth weren't acquired from birth, it was challenging for ordinary people to access information about supernatural creatures after completing their compulsory education. Even if information was widely available and all channels were broadcasting about these creatures, ordinary people still wouldn't have the time or energy to understand.

Simply making ends meet was hard enough for them.

The Lady in front of Qiao Sang clearly belonged to the lower strata among ordinary people.

"It's called Fire Tooth Dog," Qiao Sang replied.

"Ya." The Fire Tooth Dog heard its own Beast Tamer introducing it and let out a timely bark.

The aunt smiled and said, "Look at how well-behaved it is. My son is also in middle school. I think I'll get him a pet like this when he graduates."

Qiao Sang hesitated to respond.

In truth, that statement wasn't entirely wrong. Her Fire Tooth Dog was quite well-behaved aside from being a bit mischievous...


The Fire Tooth Dog looked up at Qiao Sang.

Qiao Sang handed another skewer of lamb to the Fire Tooth Dog.

The Fire Tooth Dog happily accepted it.

Of the ten skewers of lamb, Qiao Sang had three, and the Fire Tooth Dog had seven.

Qiao Sang sat down on a nearby bench.

The view from here gave her a clear sight of the entrance to Thirty-Seventh Beast High School. The location was just right, allowing students passing by South River Park after school to notice her.

Setting her backpack aside, Qiao Sang used tape to attach the piece of paper from her pocket onto her bag.

【Beast Battles, Seeking Only Defeat】

There was a small line of text in the bottom right corner.

【One match for 50 Union Coins】

This was the idea that Qiao Sang had come up with after much thought.

If you were to ask where F-grade Beast Tamers were most abundant, it would definitely be in high school beast training schools.

Raising a mid-level pet beast required at least 1 to 2 years of time, and most students in their first and second years of high school still had pets in the elementary stage.

She wrote 50 Union Coins purely for fun; Qiao Sang didn't expect anyone to battle her for such a small amount of money.

She just wanted to capture their attention. For high school students who had just become Beast Tamers, this would be entertainment, and some of them would be willing to have a friendly battle with her.

As for why she chose Thirty-Seventh Beast High School, it was because this school was the closest one outside of her residential area.

Changing into her school uniform and leaving her neighborhood, she hoped not to run into anyone she knew. After all, standing outside someone else's school with "Seeking Only Defeat" written on display was a bit embarrassing...

Qiao Sang sat quietly on the bench, holding the Fire Tooth Dog.

Although Thirty-Seventh Beast High School hadn't dismissed yet, there were still some people at South River Park.

As they passed by Qiao Sang, they couldn't help but turn their heads to look.

The contents written on her backpack seemed quite incongruent with the image of this girl.


Seeing others looking at them, the Fire Tooth Dog barked and showed its teeth.


Adding this Fire Tooth Dog into the equation seemed to fit the picture...


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