Chapter 3: Changing Houses (Part 1)

"Mom, why did you smack the back of my head?" read at ""

Ye Xiangting gritted her teeth, "If your awakening is successful, then it's successful. Why are you sighing?"  read at ""

"The examiner said my brain domain fluctuations are high and that I need to rest properly. But there are only 20 days left until the college entrance exam. This is going to affect my studies," Qiao Sang innocently protested.
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Ye Xiangting: "..."

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"Why are you like this, Mom!"

"Why are you like this!"


Where's the strong and resilient woman she was supposed to be?

The spot where they had been standing was now empty, with only Qiao Sang's companion, Qiaoli Gua, left behind in the wind.


The Beast Tamer Center prohibits chasing and causing disturbances!



Once back home, Qiao Sang locked herself in her room and turned on her computer.

Originally, following her mother's suggestion, she was supposed to go to the Hanggang Pet Beast Base in the afternoon to choose a pet beast. However, Qiao Sang declined.

As mainstream figures in this world, it was crucial for Beast Tamers to select the right kind of pet beast. It was highly likely that a person's lifetime would involve forming a contract with just one pet beast.

Beast Tamer ranks range from F to SSS, from lowest to highest.

An F-level Beast Tamer is the simplest; as long as they awaken their Beast Tamer Manual at 15 years old and form a contract with a pet beast, they can get certified at the Beast Tamer Center.

However, to become an E-level Beast Tamer, one has to develop their brain domain to at least 10%. Only then can an Beast Tamer Manual form contracts with a second pet beast.

Furthermore, they need to cultivate two intermediate-stage evolved pet beasts, also known as intermediate pets. Afterward, a notary from the Beast Tamer Alliance will conduct a 1v1 battle. Winning allows them to change their information to that of an E-level Beast Tamer.

Some people, in order to quickly cultivate intermediate pets, opt for short-evolution span insect-type ethereal beast as contract subjects. But these just-evolved intermediate pets are, after all, too weak. Only those Beast Tamers with exceptional combat command can win battles with them; others just can't.

Given her background as a mediocre student with insufficient knowledge reserves, Qiao Sang could only remember visually appealing ethereal beasts.

What use was having good looks? Could they win fights?

If she couldn't win fights, how could she become a higher-level Beast Tamer?

Choosing a pet beast naturally meant selecting those with high potential and strong combat abilities.

This wasn't something to be rushed, Qiao Sang thought, as she opened a forum and logged into her account, "天才又又又木" (GeniusAgainAndAgainAndAgain).

This ID fully proved that every underdog has a dream of making a comeback.

Qiao Sang didn't choose to create a new post; the world of Beast Tamer was already well-established, and every year thousands of newly awakened Beast Tamers posted about their experiences.

Browsing the forum, all she saw was content related to pet beasts.

"I've been poisoned by the venom of a Little Poly Scorpion!"

"Am I the only one who thinks Cotton Budworm's new form is ugly?"

"B-level Beast Tamer online to teach you how to get into Southern Sheng Beast Tamer University."

"New Beast Tamer wants to ask if it's possible to contract a Small Croconyx as their first pet beast?"

Her gaze lingered on the last post.


Wanting to contract a dragon-type pet beast as their first one? And even posting to ask if it's possible?

The power of dragon-type pet beasts was known to all. Excluding a few extremely rare pet beasts, dragon-type pet beasts were definitely the most expensive based on attributes alone.

People without mines absolutely couldn't afford them.

Even if someone managed to bite the bullet and buy one, they wouldn't be able to sustain it. Dragon-type pet beasts had long evolution cycles. It might take several years of good food and care to get them to evolve into intermediate pets.

If Qiao Sang were to answer, of course, it would be a no.

Absolutely not!

But if there was really a dragon-type pet beast placed right in front of her, waiting for her to contract it...

It might not be that absolute after all...

Qiao Sang scrolled down, no longer paying attention to the post that made her heart feel heavy.

"Newbie Beast Tamer highly recommends Sandstone Mole Rat!"

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The comments section was filled with different opinions.

"Looks like the OP didn't let the Sandstone Mole Rat sleep together at night. Friendly reminder, it grinds its teeth!"

"Why didn't the person above also remind the OP of what it uses to grind its teeth?"

"I, the White Sands Fox, object."

 read at ""

"Deep Fur Turtle requests to join the battle."



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