Chapter 42: The Blaze of a Hundred Spears Technique (Part 2)

The green palace lantern in her mental sea emitted a faint glow. Jiang Yuebai sat back on her heels, relaxing her back. She didn't know where to find Lin Jingyue, the Five Flavors Mountain Hermit.

In any case, she had her whole life ahead of her, and she hadn't promised a specific timeframe.

Jiang Yuebai turned her head. Tiankui Peak was extremely high in terrain, and as she knelt on the square, she gazed in the direction of Yin Wind Gorge.

At this moment, the solitary peak was calm, the Yin energy had dissipated, leaving only a ruin. There would no longer be the scene of the moon startling the mountain birds, or the spring stream murmuring like the sound of chirping at night.

In her eyes, Lin Jingyue's words had been mere jests, but Ye Shiming had taken them seriously.

Lin Jingyue regarded ten thousand soldiers as more important than one person, wanting Ye Shiming to give up.

Ye Shiming, on the other hand, valued one person more than ten thousand soldiers, believing there was still hope.

"In any case, when I grow up, I will never fall in love with anyone like Ye Shiming did. The time for pursuing the Dao is already scarce, how can there be leisure for romance? If anyone dares to obstruct my path to immortality, they'll meet their end!" Jiang Yuebai thought fiercely, stretching her neck to look towards the main hall.

Inside the hall:

After Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan reported the situation, the Sect Master asked them to wait in the outer hall.

"Lu Nanzhi, why didn't you say more good things about Jiang Yuebai just now? Don't tell me you want to take credit for yourself?" Xie Jingshan was dissatisfied because he believed that Lu Nanzhi had deliberately concealed Jiang Yuebai's role in the entire matter. In his view, it was Jiang Yuebai who had discovered the problem in Yin Wind Gorge, and it was clearly her achievement.

If Lu Nanzhi had said more good things, Jiang Yuebai might have received commendation and escaped her status as a menial works disciple. However, Lu Nanzhi chose not to speak and prevented him from doing so.

Lu Nanzhi looked expressionless and gave Xie Jingshan a sidelong glance. "I call it as I see it, without bias. As for how the Sect Master judges, that's her concern."

Xie Jingshan, looking at the scene outside the hall, faintly saw a figure kneeling on the square. His eyes shifted.

Lu Nanzhi reminded him in a low voice, "Yuebai is proud and values respect and openness. She doesn't want your charity. It's best if you don't have any ulterior motives, so as not to make her dislike you."

Surprised, Xie Jingshan raised his eyebrows. "How do you know what I'm thinking?"

Lu Nanzhi sighed and patiently explained, "People can be categorized into three, six, or nine grades. This is true in the mortal world, and it's also true in the world of cultivation. Would you care about a helper running errands in your shop? Just now, at the critical moment, True Lord Canghuo clearly had the power to spare, yet he only protected me. He didn't even notice Yuebai."

TL Note: three, six, or nine grades -refer to the division of things into different levels or degrees, typically based on quality, skill, or achievement. With 3 referring to the lowest grade and 9 referring to the highest.

"Fuyi Zhenjun had been maintaining the Yin Wind Gorge array all along, and she had even checked on it after the snow disaster, but she didn't notice any problems. If I were to say that this time, the problem with Yin Wind Gorge was discovered by Yuebai, and she deliberately lured the evil spirits out, do you think Fuyi Zhenjun would be pleased?"

"I'm taking everything upon myself, not for the sake of taking credit. Even if Fuyi Zhenjun is unhappy, he can't do anything to me. But what about Yuebai? She has always wanted to be accepted as a disciple by True Lord Canghuo to learn formation techniques. Do you want True Lord Canghuo to now be disappointed in her?"

Xie Jingshan shivered, realizing belatedly that if he couldn't control himself just now, he might have caused Jiang Yuebai a great deal of trouble.

"Just now, both True Lord Canghuo and Sword Sovereign Guanghan were interested in accepting you as their disciples. I can see that you wanted them to accept Yuebai as well. You have a good heart, but you should also consider whether Yuebai wants it. She has her own goals. Do you truly consider her a friend? Respect and encouragement are enough; there's no need to meddle unnecessarily."

"But if she relies solely on herself, when will she be able to enter the inner sect and stand with us?" Xie Jingshan expressed his concerns.

Lu Nanzhi looked towards the outside of the hall. "Rest assured, she will shine brilliantly one day, and that day won't be too far off. What you and I need to do is to work hard alongside her so that we don't fall too far behind in the future."

Xie Jingshan's pupils quivered. Lu Nanzhi looked confident. When they resisted the ghost lights, she had seen the gap between herself and Jiang Yuebai. She was happy for Jiang Yuebai and had a desire for competition as well.

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  1. The fact that she know Yuebai would be steps further then decided to keep up as rival and being supportive 😊


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