Chapter 43: Beating (Part 1)

The noon bell chimed, and Jiang Yuebai suddenly snapped back to attention. She silently marked where she left off in "Strange Tales from the Mountains and Seas" and pounded her sore legs while circulating her spiritual energy to relieve fatigue.

She had been kneeling for a whole morning. When would this punishment end?

Just as she was pondering this, a black-robed cultivator with a goatee walked out of the hall. Judging by the badge on his waist, he was the Enforcer at the Foundation Establishment stage.

Jiang Yuebai's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly composed herself, kneeling properly.

Zhu Wu approached Jiang Yuebai, towering over her as he toyed with his beard. He released his Foundation Establishment stage spiritual pressure in full, then squinted at her and sternly asked, "Menial Tasks Diciple Jiang Yuebai, do you know your crimes?"

In her mind, she thought, "I know your grandfather, you lackey!" But this emotional response didn't feel like her own; it was more like Ye Shiming's.

Zhu Wu glared, "How dare you not answer when I question you!"

Jiang Yuebai's brows furrowed, and she quickly replied with an obedient expression, "No, no, I was just reflecting on my own mistakes and feeling guilty. I didn't know how to respond. I'm young, and I'm not very good with words."

"You entered the Yin Wind Gorge from Ten-Li Slope without permission, which would have been a minor offense and not worth punishing. However, since you discovered that cave, why didn't you report it promptly? Moreover, even though you were under punishment, why did you lead Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan away without authorization?"

"You jumping clown!" Jiang Yuebai thought, but she twisted her brows and said, "Yes, Enforcer, you're right."

Zhu Wu's expression softened slightly. "Considering your young age and that this is your first offense, and since you didn't cause any major problems this time, the Sect Master, in her kindness, won't pursue the matter further. Furthermore, due to your contribution in discovering the traces of the evil spirits, you'll be rewarded with one thousand contribution points. Be more cautious in the future, understand?"

Offering a carrot after the stick, does this person think I'm a fool?

"Many thanks to the Sect Master. I will certainly be more careful in my words and actions and work hard to repay the sect," Jiang Yuebai replied, bowing deeply.

"Go collect your contribution points from the Internal Affairs Hall and leave immediately."

Zhu Wu walked through a side door into the back garden of the hall, where an elderly woman was tending to exotic flowers and plants. He respectfully reported, "Sect Master, I've already meted out the punishment."

The elderly woman, with silver hair and a dignified demeanor, plucked a thorn from a flower stem and asked, "How did she react?"

"She didn't complain and remained very respectful. She didn't appear flustered even when I reprimanded her."

The elderly woman nodded. "That's a good temperament. She's diligent in her cultivation as well. It's no wonder that Nanzhi girl wanted to cover for her, and Jiuchuan likes her. Let's observe her for now. If she can progress like Jiuchuan, achieving Foundation Establishment within ten years, we can invest more in her."

With these words, the elderly woman walked to a plum tree.

"It is only after a bitter winter that we can appreciate the fragrance of the plum blossoms. Five Spiritual Roots may not have no future; it simply requires more determination than Single Spiritual Roots. Inquire with the Supreme Elder, if there's any news from the Spiritual Realm, and if we can't find the Five Flavors Mountain Hermit, Jiuchuan might have to reforge his Dao Pill. Tell the Supreme Elder not to cling to my legs and cry when that happens."

"Yes, I'll do that."

On the way down the mountain, Jiang Yuebai furrowed her brows.

In reality, receiving one thousand contribution points this time should have satisfied her sensibly.

However, she felt a sense of oppression and anger within her that she couldn't quite shake off.

She didn't even know if these emotions were truly hers. Could they be the aftereffects of the body possession? Was she being influenced by Ye Shiming's personality?

Jiang Yuebai began to worry. She didn't want to become someone with a flawed character like Ye Shiming. What should she do?

At the intersection of the paths leading down the mountain, Li Jiuchuan had been pacing back and forth for the whole morning.

When he spotted Jiang Yuebai descending the mountain from a distance, a faint smile appeared on his lips. However, after a few steps, he furrowed his brows.

Jiang Yuebai usually walked with small, light steps, occasionally as cautious as a fox, and always with utmost care.

But right now, she was striding confidently and briskly, full of vitality and energy, a gait she didn't usually display unless something particularly good had happened.

"Elder Li!"

Seeing Li Jiuchuan, Jiang Yuebai's face brightened, and she rushed over like the wind.

"Elder Li, I was just looking for you. Can you guess who that thousand-year-old grudge spirit in Yin Wind Gorge is? You definitely won't believe the huge connection that grudge spirit has with the Five Flavors Mountain Hermit..."

Before Li Jiuchuan could even ask, the excited Jiang Yuebai began to chatter away.

Both of them held great respect for the Five Flavors Mountain Hermit, making it a common topic between them.

"So, you almost experienced a body possession by Ye Shiming?" Li Jiuchuan asked with concern, his eyes filled with worry.

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  1. The grandma probably keeping an eye out on talented 5 roots due to the legendary sect founder


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